Don’t Lose Yourself.

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( Who are you, and do you truly love her? Do you have a love hate relationship with the woman that is you, or do you feed her the positive energy she needs to thrive? Do you take the time to indulge in education and the arts? Are you seeing to it that you are properly nourished, hydrated and rested? Many sisters would argue these items are dreams as no one has time for that in the hustle and bustle of living. Sister you can stop and drink a glass of water and put thought into loving you or there won’t be anything left to hustle with as you are necessary for every goal you have set. When you can’t answer the above mentioned questions, there is a chance that will lose who you are because we don’t know that person.

It is very easy to become a version of ourselves that best suits everyone we deal with on a regular basis. If you are not careful you will set yourself up for the ultimate meltdown as the down spiral begins. It is not the job of a mother to be everything your child wants…you must be everything they need. Too many moms feel the pressure of their children’s wants. As they interact with other children and parents they tend to test the norms of who you are. If you are not careful that will become a moment of conformity verses a learning moment. Every mother is an individual, and you don’t have to alter your parenting style nor the order your home because your kid wants to do things at home the way it’s done at their friends’ house. Even with your children it is okay to be truly you as this will teach them how to do the same.

Relationships can be an identity pit if you are not careful. It is beautiful to be in a loving relationship, but if not careful everything will begin to revolve around said relationship. You must not compromise on your principles, moral stance, nor the nature of who you are at your core. This doesn’t mean you aren’t willing to compromise for the betterment of the relationship or make changes to become a better person. This is not the same as shutting down key aspects of yourself for the sake of your partner being more comfortable.

When you do this, you are laying the ground works of a serious fight within that space because you can only keep up the mask(s) for so long. You want to show your partner who you are, and more importantly you value who you are at all times. This care for self will allow you to see him for who he is clearly. It will help you know when you are being valued, and when someone is working to turn you into someone you are not. You will be able to demand the respect you are due for what you contribute to your relationship without feeling condemned about it.

Knowing who you are is a value to you, and others you interact with. It will add truth and meaning to all of your relationships. Furthermore, it will keep you from feeling you can’t be who you are meat to be freely. In or to be true to yourself you must know yourself.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.