Girl’s Trip! Fresh Ideas For A Fun Weekend.

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(ThySistas.comIt always seems to have been too long since you’ve seen and caught up with your friends. Life has a way of getting in the way of fun times, last-minute plans, and frivolous trips, especially now that careers, motherhood, and responsibilities have taken priority (and rightly so). However, ensuring that you put some effort into making plans and setting some time aside to spend with your friends, will only bring a big smile to your face, and you’ll wish you’d have done it sooner. Weekends and evenings out might not be what they used to be when you were fresh out of college (phew), but the people you love the most are still the same, and you’ll all have news, advice, and fresh things to offer one another.

Therefore, it’s time to set up that group message and ensure that you’ve booked some time out to meet up, see each other, and enjoy some quality moments. And, it doesn’t have to involve drinks or dancing (unless you’re all keen to do both), so the tired among you can still have fun. Start throwing some ideas around and book something as soon as you can. Getting tickets or passes to do something specific is a great way to ensure that you’ll definitely get-together, and it will help you all figure out a budget regarding your money and your time. The following are some ideas to help you get started so that you can have the ultimate girls trip planned, even if it is technically just for a day.

Something A Little Different

As previously mentioned, it’s worth organizing a get-together by booking some tickets or an event that you’ll all enjoy. And, it could be the perfect chance to try something different; like an escape room. You’ll have the chance to put your heads together and figure out the puzzles so that you can all escape before heading to lunch. It’ll be something fun to focus on for an hour or so during the day, making it ideal for busy moms and those with a list of things to do when they get back home. Brunch or lunch afterwards is totally optional, but why would you miss the opportunity to sit down together to catch up (and laugh about your escape earlier).

Get Creative

Arts and crafts are great for mindfulness, and it’ll give you all the chance to chat in a calm environment so that you feel you’re getting away from it all. Book yourselves onto a class, course, or day where you can paint, sew, or learn pottery; you’ll come away with great memories and your creation to take home. Many of these events will provide you with food and drinks, but you can always book a table somewhere afterwards to giggle about your skill levels.

Whatever you choose to do with your besties, put some effort into your choice of activity and make sure that it’s not a one-off. You’ll always return home to family life feeling happy and glad you caught up with some of your favorite people.

Staff Writer; Keisha Hall