The Top 10 Most Secret Places on Earth.

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( You have probably heard about Area 51 in Nevada which is not just taunted as one of the most secretive places on earth but also has been subject to lots of conspiracy theories, which claims that it has signs of extraterrestrial life. The government admits the existence of the area, but the very scanty details about the nature of the business that goes inside the facility. This is further shrouded by the presence of the camo dudes who will always cut short your trip, including using lethal force, should you try to go further than you are allowed.

However, Area 51 is not the only secretive place on earth. There are others, which just like Area 51, you may never have the pleasure of visiting or even hear people talking too much about them. Most of these secretive places could be operating like military facilities, prisons or just affluent places reserved for the rich and famous. Here is a brief look at some of them-:

Lascaux Caves in France

These caves were discovered by four teenagers in France in 1940. The caves bear prehistoric paintings of arrows, traps, oxen, and horses which are believed to have been done way back in the 1500BC. Though the cave was originally opened for the public, don’t think about going for expedited passport renewal for a trip to southwestern France to see these caves, because the public is no longer allowed to visit the caves. This is because of the damage public made to the caves and currently, a replica of the caves exists, but only certified and authorized archeologists get to see the original caves.

Room 39 in North Korea

North Korea in itself is a secretive place, but inside it, there are even more secretive places like the famous Room 39 in Pyongyang. It is believed that this is one of the most secretive places in the country and defectors claim that it was built by Kim Jong Il in 1970 for reasons no one quite understands. Critics of this isolated country claim that it is a store for all sorts of things illegal, including narcotics, firearms, counterfeits and other shady things that the north use to get money coming into the country. I guess very few of you would be interested in going for expedited passport renewal for a trip to North Korea. The south would be more appealing to many.

White’s Gentlemen’s Club in London

This is the most exclusive gentlemen’s club in London and no woman except the queen can access the place. If you are a man with a desire to join the club, then you must have at least 35 signatures from current members, and the wait list is currently very long, suggesting that it could be several years before you get accepted. Some of the club members include royalties like Prince William and Prince Charles. David Cameron gave up his membership because of the male-only policy which he feared might have affected his political chances, though his father was once the chairman of the secretive club.

ADX Florence Prison in California

The prison was opened for use in 1994 and it is the only supermax prison in the entire country. It has the capacity to hold up to 500 prisoners who mostly spend a majority of their time in solitary confinement. It is the place where culprits accused of committing heinous crimes such as the Oklahoma City bombing and the Atlanta Olympics bombing are held. Currently, the prison is the focus of debates around extreme solitary confinement and if it is a harsher punishment to the offenders.

Mezhgorye in Russia

Mezhgorye in Russia is predominantly a military city and it is heavily guarded and always closed to the public. The mysteries around it dates back to the cold war period and it is believed that it holds some of Russia nuclear warheads, and as such, it will always remain closed to the public. If you were planning a trip to Russia, therefore, just know that there are several places you could visit, but this is not one of them.

Mount Weather Emergency Operation Center in Virginia

The Mount Weather Emergency Operation Center in Virginia lies on a 564-acre land and it is a high-security site used a backup for the Department of Homeland Security emergency operation center. It is just a few hours’ drives from Washington DC and it has been used for a number of occasions during various emergency operations such as the Cuban Missile Crisis as well as after the September 11th attacks. It is also believed that the facility can comfortably house the government in case of any catastrophe.

Metro 2 in Moscow

Here is another place in Russia that joins the list of the most secretive places on earth. Metro 2 in Moscow is actually a secret network of underground tunnels that permeates the entire underground of Moscow. It is the believed that the network was constructed when Stalin was still in power and it received a major boost during the cold war in anticipation of a nuclear confrontation with the United States. The tunnels are used to connect to the most vital government installations and other important facilities such as Kremlin as well as the International Airport of Moscow. Simply put, the presence of the tunnels or even their existence is a great secret and no one can publicly confirm their existence.

Bohemian Grove in Mount Rio, California

It is believed that the Bohemian Grove in Mount Rio, California, is the secret meeting place for some of the most powerful men on earth who pays a visit at least once every year. The campground has a total area of 2700 acres, nestled deep in the California Redwoods and it not a place you will expect the ordinary guys to visit. It is believed that a lot of secret talks take place here and it is also believed to a site of different kinds of ceremonies such as a celebration of nature or Druid Worship. It is believed that this was the site where discussions about the Manhattan Project was held, and if you are privy to the information about the project, then you know that it was the genesis of the development of the atomic bomb.

Staff Writer; Latasha Hall