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Financial Mistakes to Avoid Before 40.

December 6, 2017 by  
Filed under Money, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comAs we age, our financial history catches up with us and limits the amount of control we have. For example, if you’ve accumulated a lot of debt then it might be difficult to build up a good credit rating so that you can afford a house. These are problematic years because if you make too many financial mistakes, you’re just going to end up regretting it in the long run. To make things easier for you, we’ve put together a list of financial mistakes that you don’t want to make before 40.

Not Using Credit

Do you know what’s worse than poor credit history? No credit history. Make sure you use a credit card, take out loans or at least use direct debits to pay for things like your bills. If you don’t have any credit history then you’re simply not going to have a good time when you’re older. Banks will find it strange and won’t trust you because you don’t have much of a credit rating to go on, and thus they won’t let you take out loans in the future even if it’s for a good cause like a home. Take a look at this article from to learn how to build up a decent credit rating so that you have an easier time in the future.

No Savings

No savings? Then you’d better start saving up your money now. Although saving up your money without a real aim is pointless, it’s also bad to not have a single penny in the form of savings. It could be actual money, it could be a savings account or it could be in assets such as a business or property. Either way, make sure you’ve got some savings or else you’ll have a tough financial future ahead of you.

Failing to Budget

With the help of financial tools and services, it’s easy to budget for your lifestyle. If you fail to budget, then you’re going to have a hard time managing your financial situation. By budgeting from an earlier age, you make it easier to get into the habit of managing your money down to the last penny.

No Financial Goals

Even if your financial goal is to pay off your debts, you need to set some kind of goal to make it easier for you to make smart decisions that will help you save money and avoid mistakes. If you’re finding it hard to clear your debt, consider checking out or a similar service to make it easier for you to manage the money you owe. In short, set short-term goals and let the long-term goals work themselves out for the future.

Hopefully, these tips have given you some idea of the types of financial mistakes that you’ll want to try and avoid in the future. It’s fairly easy to stay financially secure as long as you watch your spending and remember to build up a good credit rating.

Staff Writer; Sherry James

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