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Tend to the Sweaty Hair.

November 21, 2017 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Hair day is usually a set day that you are ready to tackle the task of getting your hair in order. For many, especially with natural hair, wash day can become a rather lengthy process depending on the state of the hair. Creating a regimen to help manage your hair, based on your lifestyle, can help cut down your time during wash day. As you decide to make changes to diet and health you will need a hair regimen to reflect the changes.

Consistently going to the gym to workout is a positive change that will benefit your body…and your hair. However, when the gym becomes part of your daily, or weekly, routine you must adjust your hair regimen accordingly. Too many have been conditioned that you can wash your hair once a month, because it functions best when its dirty…or the less you mess with the hair the better.

This logic doesn’t work once you begin a lifestyle of fitness. When you are in the gym sweating through your workout your hair will need to be purges of the sweat. In our sweat is salt, water, and toxins releasing from the body, and just as we are in a rush to wash such off the body…the hair ought not be neglected in this process. Obviously, not washing one’s hair enough while working out regularly can cause one’s hair to smell terrible. Ladies, there isn’t enough leave-in conditioner that smells good to work through gym sweat left on one’s hair over time. Granted your hair may look great, but no one wants to walk around with offensive hair. There has to be a system set in place to at the very least rinse the sweat out of one’s head.

Allowing sweat, as a result of actively working out, to remain on the scalp can cause itching. Eventually the scalp can become very sensitive and begin to hurt as a result of scratching. Furthermore, as you continue to work out and sweat your face will be affected in a negative way. Granted you washed your face, but not washing your hair could cause your face to break out. Washing hair more frequently may seem like a major inconvenience, but it would be the overall healthy choice and it will aid in manageability. Leaving salty sweat in your hair will dry one’s hair out which can head to breakage.

Rinsing your hair after a workout and following up with a leave-in condition if you are pressed for time is one way to initially get the sweat out of your hair. You can toggle between co-washing, and standard washing so that you feel as though the moisture is being stripped from your hair as a result of frequent washing. Its is an adjustment, but your hair will thank you. You shouldn’t have to feel as though you must choose between your hair maintenance, and your health via working out. You need both of these things to work in harmony in your life, and it can be done. Going to the gym is a life change, and it will call for other adjustments in your life.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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