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Comfort Redefined: Top Tips for Giving Your Office a Lift.

November 8, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comMost of us invest a great amount of effort, time and money making our office spaces look not just aesthetically pleasant but comfortable as well. From the overall design of the area to the furniture and fixings that inhabit it, everything has to be consistent. Getting the best out of it involves having a harmonious balance of atmosphere and function, and it doesn’t take a professional interior decorator to design it either. Here are some top tips for giving your office space the lift that it deserves.

  1. Choose the right colour combination

While many of us are aware of the psychological effects of colour, not many of us are completely familiar with it. Choosing the right colour combination for your office space can do wonders for the atmosphere of the area and make it a much more inviting place to be in. Having a consistent colour coordination of whites or beiges alongside either blue or green hues can make the area feel cool and peaceful. For those who may want an air of luxury, bronze and gold colours will be your best bet. Whatever your preference is, it’s limited solely by your imagination and creativity. If you aren’t artistically inclined however, the Internet is a good resource for options.

  1. Add a healthy dose of technology

High-definition televisions have become almost a common sight in many office spaces and serve as a tool to relax most people, especially for clients, but an inexpensive way of spicing it up would be having a TV mount on a wall or ceiling. They’re relatively easy to install and should take no more than an afternoon to set up but can be significantly effective in lifting the ambience of the area. You might also want to invest in one of the many modern video game consoles available too. It’s something that can keep your clients occupied if they’re bored or an activity you can share with your friends and coworkers.

  1. Acquire matching furniture

Having the right furniture can also boost the level of comfort and convenience of your office space. You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of time and money on it either. Furniture is generally in ample supply so there should be no, or little, difficulty in finding something that matches the design and theme of your office.

Making your office look neat and comfortable isn’t a difficult thing to do. It’s actually a pretty straightforward process that requires little more than an idea, a flexible budget and perhaps a little bit of patience in finding the right items. No matter which of the suggestions you decide on, you can bet that it will improve the quality of your office space.

Staff Writer; Shelia Ford

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