Dirty Hair Leads to Skin Problems.

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(ThySistas.comMany of us, especially with natural hair, may have been told at some point that our hair functions best when its dirty. With that mind-set, some have gone as far as actually washing their hair once a month, and they expect the skin on their scalp and face to function properly. Strong healthy hair does not grow to its fullest potential when one’s scalp is dirty. Furthermore, dirty hair can lead to acne, and other skin problems on your face, as well as on your shoulders and back. Areas that come into contact with dirty hair can experience problems. You may get bumps and itchiness on your scalp eventually. Ensbio.com offers some useful products to clean your hair and protect your scalp and surrounding skin.

Just as your body must be cleansed on a regular basis so must your hair. One truth we must embrace is many of us don’t like dealing with our hair, but we want it to be strong and healthy. Furthermore, we don’t want to experience issues with our skin to the point that we will spend money on products to keep our face on point. Unfortunately, that is a waste of money if the hair is going to be neglected.

You must find a way to implement a system by which you are cleansing your hair and scalp at least every two weeks. Protective styling is not immune to this. Braids are awesome, and they are a great way to grow the hair our, in many cases, with low manipulation. There are many products on the market that allow you to keep your scalp as fresh as possible. However, ladies some of us keep them in too long to the point the scalp is clearly filthy. You never want to allow your hair to get to a point whereby you can smell the stench. That may seem like an overreaction, but ladies it happens more than we realize. As we add product to our hair the products build up. When you wear a bonnet or satin scarf on your head with weeks old product build up they are indeed dirty.

You may find fine bumps forming around the hairline where your bonnet stops. You may also deal with acne as your pillow case is dirty as it comes into contact with a dirty bonnet. Imagine you wash your face every night…only to put your face on a pillow case that’s dirty by default due to your hair. If you workout regularly, hence sweating, not washing your hair regularly means sweat buildup on your scalp as well as the product.

Protective styles such as braids, flat twists and weave can be helpful, but they have a time limit. Everyday styling also has a limit; just because you can manage your hair without washing doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Keeping a clean head allows your scalp to breath, and your hair to grow at its best. Furthermore, your skin can continue to glow without the dreaded acne and outbreaks that can happen due to dirty hair. Co-washing, and clarifying washes should be put on a schedule that would allow you to maintain a clean head. You will also find that this consistency will make your hair more manageable as you have less shed hair contributing to god awful tangling. Clean hair is a part of proper wellness, and it saves face…literally.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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