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Three Ways To Make Your Dream Home a Reality.

October 3, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Money, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comYour home is at the heart of family life. A place where you spend time with the people you love the most, make memories, rest and recuperate after working hard. Home is so important, and having a property that’s comfortable and functional is something that everyone should aim to achieve. If you’ve been saving hard and are on the search for your dream home, here are a few of the ways you could go about getting it.

Search The Property Market

If you’re really lucky, you might just stumble across the perfect property that’s already available. If it’s the right price, the right size, has the layout you’re after and is in the right area you might be able to snap it up and not have to do much to it. For most people, this is an unlikely option as when you picture your dream home it usually looks quite a specific way meaning any property regardless of how nice will need at least some renovating. However if you’re quite flexible in what you’re after and don’t have too many checkboxes you need to tick, you could get lucky so it’s worth having a careful browse and keeping an eye on recently added properties.

Renovate An Existing House

The route most people will go down when creating their dream home is by renovating. Here you find a property with potential, it doesn’t need to be exactly right it just needs to be in the right area and at the right price. It needs to be the right size, or at least have room on the plot allowing you to extend to what you want. You can remove or add walls, change the layout, have new windows and door added, a new kitchen and bathroom. You can extend outwards, into the loft, into the basement. You use the property as a starting point and then make the changes you need to make it into the home of your dreams.

Build Your Own Home

Finally is an option that not enough people consider, and that’s building a house from scratch. While this is a big project, you actually get to avoid many of the headaches that you’d deal with when it comes to a renovation. You don’t have to get rid of the old, you can simply build from scratch getting everything right the first time. With the invention of things like metal building homes it’s even easier to get the property up and finished quickly and efficiently. When you build your own home you get full control over everything and can really make it personal for you.

However you acquire your dream home, getting into a property that you genuinely adore will change your life for the better. If you ever get the chance to do so, grab it with both hands! It’s an excellent investment too and is something well worth spending your money on.

Are you on the lookout for your dream home? Which of these methods would you be most likely to use?

Staff Writer; Lisa Hall

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