Friday, July 26, 2024

Why You Aren’t Getting The Jobs You Want!

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(ThySistas.comApplying for job after job and getting nowhere is so frustrating! You put a lot of time and effort into filling out the application forms and sending them off. Then you hear nothing! Perhaps you are not even getting called for an interview or are not getting shortlisted? It is understandable that you want to move from welfare and into work but something is going wrong!

It is time to change your approach and there are three areas on which you should focus. They are your experience, skills, and 


On your application form, you have to show an employer that you have the most relevant experience, the best qualifications, and the most impressive skills. Your application form needs to stand out from the crowd and show that you are the candidate that they want to chat to.

If you don’t have experience, get some!

There is no substitute for experience and employers are always impressed by it. However, it is not easy to get when you can’t find a job! This is when you should turn to the voluntary sector. When you are getting your voluntary experience you are collecting a lot of skills that you can add to your application form. You will learn practical skills which will make you more attractive to employers. You can also demonstrate that you are able to use communication, line management, and team working skills in a real work situation. It is not hard to find volunteering opportunities near to where you live because charities always need help!

Obtain some useful skills

There are some skills that will really make your application stand out. All employers would like to have a qualified first aider on site at the workplace and some are required by law to do so. This skill is highly regarded by employers. You can research CPR classes in your area that will give the skills to act in the correct way in an emergency and perhaps save a life. Obtaining these skills will also boost your self-confidence and shows that willing to take charge of a situation and lead others which indicates excellent leadership qualities. Your ability to delegate tasks to others in an emergency makes you a great candidate for management roles.

Social media and computing qualifications

Studying for qualifications takes a lot of time and effort so you need to choose the right ones. Rather than choosing a qualification that is specific to one role, why not chose a generic qualification that would be useful in all jobs? If you choose social media marketing courses they will tick all the boxes.

It will help in all jobs if you understand the jargon relating to Google rankings and know how to get a Facebook post maximum exposure! IT skills are always in demand. If you can show that you have particular expertise in his area you will be an asset to the department and your application form will stand out.

Staff Writer; Carla Adams

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