Friday, July 26, 2024

Coping At Home While Your Man Fights For His Country.

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(ThySistas.comHaving a partner in the military is never easy. He’s the person you love with all of your heart, yet he expects you to be okay with the fact that he risks his life every day. To make matters worse, he’s away for extended periods. So, you have plenty of time to dwell on the risks he may be facing. It’s a lonely and stressful life. And, though you convince yourself he’s working for the greater good, it can be small consolation. There will be times when you wish he had a regular, 9-5 job. The thought of him coming home every evening seems too good to be true. In truth, few things can make the military reality easier to swallow. But, that’s not to say you can’t soften the blow. Here’s how.


A support network is crucial. Even more so because your man isn’t around to talk to. Friends and family are always there, but they can’t offer the support you need. Instead, talk with people who are going through the same thing. Who else can understand what you’re feeling? Your family may nod and sympathize, but they can never understand. The good news is, there are plenty of support networks for military spouses. If you’re nervous, it may be worth heading online first. Join one of many forums for people in your situation. As you gain confidence, suggest to some of the people you meet there that you form a group of your own. Or, you may find they have a group they can invite you along to. On a lighter note, to cheer up your military mate, think about installing a flagpole. Supporting our country is a beautiful thing. Do know flagpole installation, is light work in most cases.


You may want to sit at home and worry, but it isn’t good for you. It’s not what your man would want, and it isn’t going to help him. Instead, it’s important to keep busy. How you do this is up to you. It may be that you take up a new hobby. Knitting and other crafts and fantastic for keeping your mind distracted. Or, you could study a new subject. You could even use something like these military spouse scholarships to save yourself money. Use the opportunity to study what you never could before. The world is your oyster. Don’t waste your life waiting for bad news. Go out there and make good things happen.


Depending on where your man is, you may be unable to send him letters. But, you should write them anyway. Often the worst thing about having a man in the services is the fact that you can’t even call him when you want to. It makes the separation so much more severe. Get into the habit of writing him letters about your day. Keep them aside and show him when he gets back if you want. Or, throw them out. The process of writing them will help you feel closer to him. You could even ask him to do the same. That way, the connection will feel stronger.

Staff Writer; Lisa Poole

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