Friday, July 26, 2024

April Reading List for Uplifting Black Women.

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( Spring is finally here and this means that it is time to spring clean off the book shelf and get some new reads. You spring clean your home and your life now it’s time to feed the sole with some uplifting and encouraging words. It’s very difficult to find uplifting reads for Black women. So this April reading list will help all Black women do just that, empower and uplift the spirit.

1Acts of Faith: Daily Meditations for People of Color by Iyanla Vanzant

Iyanla Vanzant wrote a classic. No matter what faith or religion you belong to, this book will uplift, motivate, and inspire. This one is universal. This is the perfect gift for anyone, from a pre-teenager to a grandparent. Each day includes a quote that you won’t want to forget and an affirmation that will help you get your life together.

2Sistah Vegan edited by A. Breeze Harper

Reading this book is like eavesdropping on a conversation between best friends. Here, Black women explore being Black and health conscious. I know, I know. The world doesn’t think that exists. And yet, in this book, our sisters talk about what it’s like to be in a Black family, on a Black date, or in a Black marriage while vegan. This is motivation for anyone—whether you are vegan or simply trying to become a healthier woman.

3Surviving Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Hope, Treatment, Recovery by Patricia Prijatel

Unfortunately, Black women are disproportionately affected by breast cancer. This book provides a lot of research-based information on triple-negative breast cancer, as well as how women can seek treatment. You’ll want this book whether your cancer is triple-negative or not. And if you don’t have cancer, you’ll want to pick Patricia Prijatel’s text up for a woman that does.

4I Will Survive: The African-American Guide to Healing from Sexual Assault and Abuse by Lori S. Robinson

In 2012, a study reported that 50 percent of Black women were sexually assaulted, raped, or molested by Black men by the time they reached age 18. We must address the fact that sexual violence affects Black girls and women at disproportionately high numbers. Thus, Lori S. Robinson’s comprehensive guide to healing from sexual assault and abuse is a necessary resource for any Black woman who has been affected.

5Best Black Women’s Erotica 2 edited by Samiyah Bashir

Whether you hide this book under your mattress, or display it proudly on your coffee table, Samiyah Bashir’s compilation is an exciting exploration of Black woman’s sexuality. If you are a fan who enjoys the art of well-written erotica, buy the first book as well. I highly recommend the second anthology simply because “Lujon 1” by Kimberly White is it’s a great short story.

What are you reading? We want to hear from you! Comment below!

Staff Writer; Amber Ogden

One may also view more of her work over at;

Also connect via Instagram; 1amberogden and Twitter; MsAmberOgden.

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