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Admissions Requirements & Application.

January 26, 2017 by  
Filed under Education, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( Candidates for the Confirmation in Education must be of Native family line and submit narrative evidence of their lineage as determined by the Ontario School of Instructors (OCT) when they apply to for accreditation. It is the applicant’s obligation to check the OCT site or contact the School (1-888-534-2222) ahead of time to figure out what documentation is required.

As for the personal statement here will answer all your questions.

For data about applying perceive How to Apply. If you don’t mind contact the group based ATEP site or our toll free number underneath should you have any inquiries regarding program offerings and additionally the application procedure (see Get in touch with Us).

ATEP Administrations and Assets

Ruler’s College has many components which might hold any importance with Native understudies, including a Native understudy directing administration and a Native understudy focus. Access to Senior citizens is accessible both on grounds at Ruler’s and group based at KTEI. The ATEP Office gives various administrations and assets to understudies, personnel, and staff. The ATEP Instruction Asset Center at the Staff of Training houses a broad gathering of Native training assets and general Native assets. Native training assets are likewise accessible at the group based site.

All through the scholarly year the group based ATEP site have and additionally cooperates with Native associations to bring occasions that support and teach about Native instruction.

The Hallowed Solution Plant (Mshkiki Gitigan – Onónhkwa Nikahehtó:ten) offers our Staff people group a direct take a gander at some fo the customary prescriptions and rural practices of Indigenous individuals. Every one of the prescriptions and different products that are collected are utilized during the time in different ATEP exercises.

Staff Writer; Lisa Day

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