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How To Be Well With Well-being.

January 23, 2017 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comWell-being is an important part of our lives. It makes us happy, relieves stress and allows us to live in relative ease of what we are doing. It is important to take the time to allow ourselves to control our well-being and adjust our lives as we see fit.

Connect with people

You should surround yourself with people who are on the same wavelength, and who support and encourage you. Having people around you who are negative and don’t have the same goals as you in life, can mean you become unhappy.

Get active, and stay active

There are lots of benefits to living an active lifestyle. In terms of mental health, keeping fit can also reduce stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, it is important to maintain your health and wellbeing through your body’s requirements. For example, if you have stomach pains go to your GP, if you feel you need glasses, find an eye doctor.


Taking notice of your surroundings, and the places where you live, can also add to your wellbeing. When out walking, don’t be glued to your mobile phone. Look around you and explore where you are. You may find the perfect restaurant for a date, a serene coffee shop where you can work, or may even find your next house. It is important to pay attention to your senses, and feel and think about where you are and what memories you can create.

Learn at every opportunity

Your well-being can be improved by exploring your surroundings and finding new things, and also by keeping on top of exercise and physical activity. However, another aspect of well-being is through enhancing your learning and education skills. This doesn’t have to be through going to college or university, or by even attending night classes. You can improve your education skills by simply reading, or watching videos on topics that you may or may not be interested in. However, if you were to go to a formal education setting that can also help in making new friends, learning about people and exploring new surroundings.

When you do decide to learn new things, that shows you are setting yourself goals, which is always important in life. You will also feel more engaged in daily life, as you are exploring new things and improving your well-being, mental health and CV.

Give to others

When you go beyond your own personal goals or the interest that define you, you will feel empowered and it can enhance your well-being. Of course, we all like to feel positive about personal rewards, but giving to others or doing something for someone else is a great way to feel positive.

It is not a difficult thing to achieve, either. Helping others and giving is one of the easiest behaviours to choose to do. Things like letting someone who seems frail, ill or tired to take your seat on a crowded bus or train is a really easy way to practice giving to others and feeling positive about it.

Staff Writer; Sherry Poole

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