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Tick Tock, It’s The Biological Clock. When Is The Right Time To Have A Baby?

January 10, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comModern women have now the chance to build a career and become professional experts at what they do. This is a gain from gender equality: Men and women are equally respected in their work. However, this means that for many women, the priority of building a family is a delay and they can’t help to wonder when the right time is to have a baby and still juggle with their professional life. It is a tricky question, but thankfully there are plenty of answers that are all right and valid. You are the one to choose what suits you best!

Mothers Have Not Just A Say: They Decide

You are free to consider whether you want a baby or not without being judged or forced towards any solution. You should know that while there is a social expectation that women should become mothers, there is no criticism towards those who decide against it. It’s your life, and you are free to do with it as you please. If you choose to have a baby, you will be facing a variety of options as to how you should go about it. Motherhood comes with a lot of decisions to take before it actually happens. Thankfully, you will find support for everything you can choose, from abortion to single parenting, and even artificial insemination. So, one thing you should be clear about is: If motherhood is something that you want, you are in charge of how and when it should come to you.

Can It Ever Be Too Late?

For many women, motherhood is nothing that they wish to consider as they are building their career. And this is fair: After all, you’ve worked hard to get there, why should you lose it all now? Many choose to postpone their pregnancy until a better time has come. Thankfully, there are options that can make sure that you can still be a mother, even if you are in your late thirties or early forties. You could choose to join an egg freezing program for example, as this will make sure that you will not have to face any fertility issues that come with age. Additionally, don’t worry if it turns out that you can’t have children. Adoption is still a fantastic way to love a child as your own, and it also means that you are helping someone to have the happy life that they wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. Be honest with yourself: Do you need to carry a child to love him or her? Such alternatives let you take care of your other goals first.

What Are Those Other Goals That Postpone Having A Baby?

As said earlier on, for many women it is important to have a career before they get pregnant. There is no shame in it, and you are entitled to shine professionally as much as men do! But sometimes, other matters postpone your pregnancy, such as not having found Mister Right for example, or not having the right house for a child. Often, financial matters add an extra layer of worries as many parents don’t want to think of having children until they have a stable mortgage and credit payment solution. This is part of wanting the best for your child. In the end, the right time to have a baby is when you say it is!

Staff Writer; Lisa Starr


One Response to “Tick Tock, It’s The Biological Clock. When Is The Right Time To Have A Baby?”
  1. Mary Holmes says:

    You raise some great points. For the modern woman balancing career and family is a difficult and thankless task. When do you take a break?, what are the deciding factors? It’s so difficult but at least it’s much easier nowadays than it was 20 years ago.

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