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How To Recover From “Mr. Wrong”.

January 9, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Relationship Talk, Weekly Columns

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( We all know how easy it is to find Mr. Wrong, at the time it seems he is the right guy because he simply does everything to wow you and win you over. It is no easy task to get over someone that you have built with or envisioned your future with. We as women have to realize just because we have encountered this heartbreak that it is not the end of the world. The only healthy way to recover from Mr. Wrong is to give yourself time and take some time from the dating scene to give yourself a mental break from the drama. It is normal to be sad you should indeed allow yourself to be vulnerable and release those emotions.

You also have to come to the realization that no matter what went wrong in the relationship that it is not your fault and everything is just not meant to be. That relationship is something you went through, but it does not define you. One mistake that women commonly make after a breakup is staying in contact with their ex immediately after the breakup, I am not saying that you guys can not be friends but it definitely should not be immediately following the breakup. In order to be friends you guys need time apart to think about your individuals selves. It can be very difficult to focus on the present due to you having the feeling of being alone, but you should take that time to get to know yourself better.

You should love yourself, a relationship does not define you and you do not need a man to survive in this world. You have to practice acceptance meaning everything happens for a reason, think of it this way we have to accept the things we can not change. After a breakup you have to do some serious soul searching, and figure out what you want in a relationship and also make sure that you love yourself first and put yourself first in any situation.

Keep yourself busy with things and people you love. Use your time to grow as a person and who knows this could potentially better you future relationships. Of course you should have alone time but do not get too content with that, get out and date but instead of going for your “type” you should give those outside of you type a chance and who knows just maybe that person could be your knight in shining armor.

Another thing that helps after a breakup is to write your feelings in letters not to anyone in particular but if you write these things out, I guarantee it will make you feel better and also give you a clear head. Relationships have a huge impact on the beliefs we have about ourselves, whether we realize it or not. During a relationship it is very normal to compromise with a partner, which means your individual goals as well as needs and wants change.

Breakups are hard because over time you have adjusted to that person and become familiar with them but the familiar is now gone which causes plans to change and the the future as well. We as women also have to reclaim ourselves after such hardship, women are naturally sensitive beings and react solely based on emotions most of the time. We are strong beings and we will get through any and everything one step at a time.

Staff Writer; Myra Moore

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