The Curvy Embrace: Full Figure Women Step Forward.
September 6, 2016 by ThySista
Filed under News, Opinion, Sista Talk, Weekly Columns
( If you are a plus size woman, rejoice! Now more than ever is a great time to be in the land of the full figured. While society may say you don’t fit the part and need to do something about it, the community of plus size supporters and advocates is a powerful network of people who get it.
It is time to embrace your curves. If you are full figured, plus size, thick, whatever you call yourself, it’s time to step forward. Don’t cower in the corner because someone said you aren’t good enough. You are good enough for the simple fact that you are a human being. Your weight and girth do not determine your worthiness.
There is an important self love movement happening right now in the plus size world thanks to people like super model Ashley Graham who is the first of her kind to be featured in major publications and lead major fashion campaigns. Bloggers are also on the front lines of letting people know that plus size is a great size. The message of self-love, to me, is the foundation of acceptance. You can’t change how you look tomorrow or even next week. But you can change how you think and view yourself. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for how you live your life so don’t let people who are none factors have a say on what you do. Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself.
Another aspect of the plus size acceptance movement is fashion. I have been plus sized all of my life so I have seen how far fashion trends have come in the full figured community. I remember when the main options were Hawaiian patterned skirt sets and shapeless shirts. Today, thanks to bloggers, brands, designers and stores coming together, plus size women can find the same offerings in dresses and jeans as straight sizes. This is a big deal.
What we wear has such an impact on how others look at us and on how we perceive ourselves. When you have access to better clothes by way of design, price and quality, I am a firm believer that it helps to improve your quality of life. So go ahead and explore fashion as a full figured woman.
We have to understand that there is nothing second rate about us. Plus size women are just as powerful, capable and beautiful as any other. Even if no one else believes it, you have to believe it. More than that, you have to embrace it and you have to own it.
As a plus size woman, you will face challenges that others will not. You will have to work harder to prove yourself and even then after doing all of that, for some people, it still won’t be enough. That is okay. Because when it comes down to it, your efforts will not go unnoticed and the universe will reward you for who you are.
So please, go ahead and have the existence you were meant to have while on this earth. Focus on being the best you and living your best life.
Shake the haters off and do you boo.
Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah
Loving this.
Full Figure Sisters Unite!!
Show it, Embrace it, and continue to shine.