3 Ways to Add an Exercise Routine Into Your Life.
June 2, 2016 by ThySista
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns
(ThySistas.com) We can create a hundred excuses why we don’t have time to do the things we need to do while finding maximum hours a day to the unnecessary. We complain about not having time and in the same breath we complain about our cell phone and gadgets batteries not lasting long enough which reveals how we are choosing to use our time. We wait until the last minute to do things but we want the results of those who put their blood, sweat and tears in. We cheat ourselves out of good health during our younger years then hope we can buy decent health as we age.
Our way of life is most interesting! In this article we will be discussing 3 ways to make exercise a part of your life without forcing yourself into the gym, buying fancy equipment that you will rarely use or overdoing it so much during week one that week two never comes around.
1. Exercise During Your Favorite T.V Shows. I hear so many people saying they do not have time to exercise yet they magically find an hour or two to watch their favorite shows and yet another magical hour to discuss the show with their friends. If you are one who struggles to find time to exercise, incorporate an exercise routine into your television or movie time. I find that the workout goes much faster because you’re spending more time watching the show than you are reflecting and whining over how much the exercise burns or how boring it may be. When I take this route, I generally take my breaks during commercial breaks which makes for a 40 minute workout if you’re watching an hour long show.
2. Do Hourly Supersets. A superset is a combination of exercises done without a break between. For example, you may do a superset that consists of 20 jumping jacks, sit-ups, squats, push-ups and jogging in place. The superset may only take 2 or 3 minutes per hour, but if you commit to doing one superset per hour during your 8 hour day, that adds up to a 16-24 minute workout that you may not have gotten any other way. I find supersets very effective during workouts as they get the heart rate up and allows you to exert maximum energy so that you quickly burn a few calories. Supersets are great for cardio queens as well who live on the treadmill and have hit a plateau in their workout routine.
3. Make Your Night Out a Workout. This means findings something active to do when you wanna step out. I hear many adults saying they don’t wanna club, I’m one of the adults who complains about always having to eat when we go out. It’s as if we’re in a hurry to be grown so we can go sit down and eat. Make your night out adventurous! If it is date night, sign up for a local stepping class that allows the two of you to learn something new, burn a few calories and share a few laughs. If you’re getting out with your girls, check out a Zumba or Pole Dancing class. For my night club lovers, allows your DJ to be your personal trainer. I have a few DJ trainers myself and I dress accordingly when I go to a session. I know I’m going to break a sweat, have a wonderful time and burn calories in the wee hours of the night. Regardless of your taste, there are certainly ways to work fitness into your night out.
Exercise should be viewed as a way of life. It’s not about how much weight we will lose, how much muscle mass we will gain or how different we will look in our clothes. It’s about how refreshed we will feel once we complete a task we’ve set for ourselves, how physically strong we will be to deal with any illness or injury that comes our way, how easy we will breathe and how efficient and healthy our heart will be. Anything else is just a reward. It is time we evolve past looks and into good health, besides how good can you look when your immune system and body is weak?
Blessed Health and God Speed.
Staff Writer; Dina Tuff
Connect with Mystic Philosopher & Inner Fitness Coach Dina Tuff @
The Magick Playhouse; http://dinatuff.blogspot.com/
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