Keeping Your Online Business Current.

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( If you’re running a business that employs staff and turns a profit, then you’ve already achieved a lot! However, as we all know, business doesn’t stand still. More and more people are starting their own businesses, leading to a changing market and fierce competition. If you’re running an online business, you need to make sure that every part of your operation is up to standards. Here are some tips on how to do this.

First of all, make sure you’re doing enough customer engagement. Businesses in 2016 are expected to answer to their customers a lot more than before. You need to accommodate for this if you want to beat your competitors. Being set up on social media channels is important, but you shouldn’t stop there. Start conducting some customer outreach, and recording what you find. The main thing you should take away from it is where your target market prefers to get their news about your business. Once you’ve established this, make2016-online-business your business more active and visible on that channel. It’s likely to be a social network. If so, make sure you’re engaging with any customer queries or complaints. This openness is quickly becoming a given for businesses, so hop to it!

My next tip is to make sure all your employee’s skills are up to date. If your business is relatively new, and a lot of your staff are fresh out of uni, then this probably won’t be a problem. However, IT and online marketing standards are constantly being updated and changed. For this reason, it’s extremely important to ensure the skills at your company are up-to-date. Do some of your own research to begin with. If you can fight through the jargon, this will show you where your operation is lacking. It may be necessary to outsource some professional training. This is a big niche in itself, so it won’t take you long to find a solution. Visit for a good example.

Finally, look out for opportunities to lower your expenses. Modernising your business, and making sure everything’s running at maximum efficiency, can get expensive. To make sure you don’t waste any time keeping your operation in-step with modern standards, look for ways you can trim down expenses. Take some time to look at all the costs it takes to run your business, and consider alternative, cheaper solutions. If you’re going through a lot of paper and ink too quickly, then reduce the paper at your office through online solutions. You may want to outsource certain work, or look for a cheaper freelancer if you’re already using one. If you have a good, long-standing relationship with your suppliers, then try negotiating a lower cost. has a more detailed feature on the options here. Make little penny-pinching changes, and you’ll have more resources to bring your business into the future.

Time moves way too fast for my liking. However, with the right eye and attitude, anyone can keep their business in-step with modern sensibilities. Just remember to stay vigilant. Modernising a business isn’t a one off!

Staff Writer; Paula Short