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Welcoming the Energies of 2015: What Do You Desire?‏

January 16, 2015 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( The past is out, the present is here, your future is clear!

We’re only a few days into the year and I’ve crossed paths with a few who have already given up on their New Year’s resolutions. Now I’m not big on yearly resolutions myself, I prefer setting goals on a monthly basis to limit my ability to procrasintate. Resolutions aside, I’m excited about 2015 for a variety of reasons. The primary reason is that each year has a numerical vibration and when that value changes, so does the energies of what’s to come.

Before we move into the energies of 2015, let’s breakdown the numbers at play from a numerology stand point. Each number carries its own vibration. When we look at 2015, we see four separate numbers.

2 – Is about pursuing one’s life purpose and soul mission, balance, intuitive awareness and balanced judgment.

0 – Amplifies and magnifies the vibration of any number(s) it’s with and bringing one closer to God or “Source”. 0 relates to ‘The Fool’ in tarot which represents spontaneity and a free spirit

1 – Is all about new beginnings, motivation, positivity, self reliance, organization, initiative, strong will, power and independence. 1 relates to ‘The Magician’ in tarot which represents concentration, action and skill

5 – Is free thinking, playful, fun, personal freedom, vision & the visionary, opportunity and positive life choices and decisions. 5 relates to the sun sign Leo which represents the leading light, truth and prophecy. Leo’s phrase is “I create”.

2015 is composed of all of these much needed energies in addition to the number 8 Universal Year. The number 8 comes from adding each of the numbers (2+0+1+5). The Universal Year number is the most dominant energy we’ll feel this year and the #8 beckons us to ask: What Do You Desire?

This year is all about self empowerment and stepping into your personal power. During 2014 we worked on building up our faith. Faith in Source, faith in our purpose and faith in one’s self. As we move through 2015, we’ll be given many opportunities to see just what we’ve mastered.

The 8 energy represents power, material & financial gain, achievement, reward, status and satisfaction. Plainly put, 8 has much to do with money! Attracting and manifesting wealth is in the air! This energy aligns with that of the planet Jupiter being in the Sun sign of Leo.word cloud for year 2015

Let us not be confused! This doesn’t mean money will be falling out of the sky or that the government will be giving out stimulus checks. It does however mean that those who have a vision, those who are confident in their abilities/skills/talents and who have the strength of determination will attract all they desire. What are you willing to do differently now that you have faith in yourself? What are you willing to risk in order to exceed your dreams? If not now, when exactly?

In the midst of 2015 we should expect lessons in the area of self discipline! Most of us do not have what we desire because we lack the staying power, the motivation and the concentration to allow it time to manifest. You get out of each situation that which you put into it. It’s impossible to waste your time going after your heart’s desire. We will also learn about the confidence that’s necessary to follow your vision. Having a vision is nothing if it remains years before you, each day you must do something (s) that brings you closer to the final destination.

Think of your vision as a cross country journey. You definitely have to put the work in to get going! You need reliable transportation, gas and food money, somewhere to rest and of course a destination. When we are achieving our dreams we need a reliable mind & spirit, we need the best of nutrients to fuel us, we need adequate rest and we need a clear vision so that we know exactly where we are going. In the midst of our cross country journey we are definitely focused on reaching our destination yet we still must take the time to enjoy the present moment. We must take time to pull over and take in the beautiful scenic views, visit the historic sites in different areas and make conversation with the people whose paths we cross. This 8 year also represents spiritual consciousness, inner satisfaction and balance. Each of which comes from living in the now with a clear vision of the future.

Make every moment count!

One thing I found myself smiling from ear to ear about is that the 8 year is ruled by the North Node of the Moon. In astrology the North Node points us in the direction of our destiny, the light at the end of the tunnel. The North Node brings us to a place of increased happiness and fulfillment. Imagine that, this year we have the energies present to truly feel inner bliss. What a blessing!

2015 is going to be an exciting year for those of us who set our sights on our hearts desires and utilize our time, energy and faith properly. This is not the time to sit still until the New Year comes in to decide what you’re going to do. This year, the energies and the opportunities are going to move swiftly and will only be in the grasps of the disciplined, courageous, self empowered visionaries.

Happy New Year! Happy Manifesting!

Staff Writer; Dina Deon
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Also connect via Twitter; ClubMagickENT and Facebook; ClubMagick.

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