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Five Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions.

December 31, 2016 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Let’s face it. It’s the start of the New Year and we are all making resolutions that in our heart of hearts we want to keep. People all across the world do it every December and January. They vow to love more, be more kind, give more and finally get in shape. All of these are excellent goals and I encourage folks to definitely make them, but for majority of people, they will not follow through. It just happens.

While making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition that most Americans take part in, there are some things that you can do to make whatever it is you are committing to in 2017, easier to keep. It all comes down to finding ways to maintain the excitement and purpose of your resolutions.

So, because I know that everyone wants to better themselves in 2017, here are five ways to keep those resolutions and change your life.

Limit Your Listnewyears

I know that there are A LOT of things we want to see happen, but when you have too many that you try to tackle at once, it can be overwhelming. This is where people mess up. Think about your life and determine the top three things that you really want to see happen this year. You are not in competition with anyone, so there is no need to have a whole bunch of resolutions.

Make a Plan

There is a difference between writing down what it is you want to do and making a plan to do what you want to do. Take your two or three action items and make measurable steps for each of them. This gives your structure along the way. Planning is one of the most important and effective ways to stay on track.

Reevaluate Often

It’s very easy to get off track after a few months. I suggest taking time at least once month to see where you are. This will give you the chance to ensure that you are where you want to be. It’s all a part of the planning process and is something that you should definitely incorporate into your new year’s resolution success plan.

Have Tunnel Vision

By this I mean do not compare yourself to those around you. Everyone is on their own journey so what your friend is doing doesn’t really matter in the scheme of your goals. Comparing yourself to others is one of the best ways to kill your endeavors because it can be discouraging. Set your goals, plan, and look straight ahead.

Get an Accountability Partner

This will be someone that you can share your dreams with and who can help you stay on path. They are in it with you and are rooting for you. They have your best interests in mind because they want to see you win. If you don’t have anyone like that in your life, maybe join a group online. You can find some like-minded people through places like

Everyone wants to be successful and no matter what your goals are in 2017, you can reach them! These are just a few ways how.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah

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