Four Reasons to Finally Go Natural.

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( Here we are at the start of a year new. Welcome 2017! I hope you give us a lot more than 2016 did. New Year’s resolutions have been made and we are all promising to do better by way of, well, everything- Money, health, love and hair? Yes, think about it. Is it finally time for you to take the plunge and go natural?

I know that a lot of women have their reservations about leaving the creamy crack and embracing a chemical free hair lifestyle, but there are so many more reason to go natural than reasons not to. I talk a lot about the ins and outs of natural hair and believe me, there are a lot, but when it comes down to it, the time, effort and patience that goes into maintaining beautiful healthy hair is so worth it. So let’s look at five very valid reasons to start your natural hair transition.

Very Versatile

If you didn’t know, there is so much that you can do with naturalnaturalhair2016 hair. From wearing it curly, to straight to Afro centric, it is a creative outlet for sure. Versatility is a major reason that so many black women have gone this route.

Encourages Healthy Hair

When you do it right, your natural hair will shine. It will take some getting used to, and you will find what works for you through trial and error. But at the end of the day, forgoing the harmful chemicals found in relaxers is reason enough to go natural. If you do your hair right, it will return the love. I promise!

Instills Pride

The natural hair movement is a powerful one. It unites women of color under the common goal of embracing who we truly are. Natural hair debunks the European standards of beauty because we all know that black is undeniably beautiful. Straightening our hair is fine, but when doing becomes more of a go to because you are ashamed of your hair, that is a problem. We don’t have to conform to some made up standard to fit in and get ahead. The natural hair movement has changed that and inspires pride in women of color all over the world.

Saves Money

This is something that anyone can get behind. Believe it or not, having natural hair really does save money in the long run. Yes, you will spend some dough on products in the beginning as you learn what works and what doesn’t but you will also gain so much more. You won’t have to spend loads of money on weave, getting it sown in or weekly trips to the salon. By the way, none of those are bad things at all. Natural just hair teaches you how to be inventive and it shows you who you are. Whenever you go against the grain of the norm, you find out a little something about yourself that you didn’t know. Having natural hair is one of those decisions in life that does just that so the best thing to do is receive it.

If you’ve been thinking about taking the step toward the natural for a while, maybe it’s time to go ahead and follow through.

Staff Writer; Rasheda Abdullah