(ThySistas.com) Running a small private business involves a certain amount of patience, expertise, and courage in order to record profits, earning enough cash to justify your business venture. From freelance aficionados to service-providers, mini-manufacturers and beyond, each small business will face the challenges that are to be expected when you take ...

(ThySistas.com) It does not matter what your financial situation is, whether you are comfortable, struggling to pay the bills, or you have plenty in the bank, you need to maintain a good credit score. There are lots of different factors that are considered when it comes to your credit rating, and ...

(ThySistas.com) Being in control is the key quality you need to enjoy life. You need to be in control of what you do, who you see, where you go, and what you decide. In other words, the moment you lose control of your life, you lose your fundamental freedom of choice. ...

(ThySistas.com) There seems to be a lot of mystery surrounding what’s involved with having a healthy financial landscape. Does it take hard work? Luck? The answer might not be so elusive. All you need to do is: take control! That means with every aspect of your finances, have a hands-on role. ...

(ThySistas.com) Experiencing the loss of a loved one is emotionally and spiritually devastating, and it can take a long time to rebuild after life as you know it seems to come crashing down. However, one element of grief that we don’t like to talk about as it can make us seem ...

(ThySistas.com) If you dream of running a business in the world of entertainment, there are lots of things you will need to get right in order to find success later on. Whether you want to work in music, TV, film or the arts, there are many common factors when it comes ...

(ThySistas.com) We are all too familiar with the rising prices in today’s economy from the stock market to the gas prices everything is spiraling out of control. At a certain part in everyone’s life we were the inevitable: adulthood. With becoming an adult comes expenses such as bills, groceries, and just ...

(ThySistas.com) Those first few days after the death of a loved one are tough. There are so many things that you need to sort out but you probably won’t feel like you’re up to it. Everything can quickly pile up on you and you might be left wondering what you should ...

(ThySistas.com) In the past, the majority of people purchased their own properties. However, nowadays, increasing numbers of people are choosing to rent for a much longer time. So, it’s not all too surprising that you might not be able to gather all too much information and advice from your friends if ...

(ThySistas.com) Sisters we must have a discussion about priorities, and how important to us our hair maybe. Recently I was informed that if a sister was needing to by bundles she could do so on credit verses just paying for it upfront as bundles can get rather expensive. I have to ...