(ThySistas.com) Often times as women, we allow the primary focus of our lives to be caring for our children, lovers, family and friends. Oh, did I forget work? The struggle to be “successful” in the workforce is our life purpose, right? So many of us are driving recklessly towards achieving ...

(ThySistas.com) As I stroll through blogs, articles as well as posts on social media I often find the threading trend to be ‘love’ centered. Everyone is talking about how to find love or how to keep it. Interestingly most information takes the route of telling women how to make a ...

(ThySistas.com) Last month I was reading my favorite Essence Magazine, (February 2014-issue) and I came upon a report titled, The Forgotten: Black, Female and Uninsured, that literally left me baffled. I couldn’t wrapped my head around the statistics and how convoluted the whole issue of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was. The truth is, ...

(ThySistas.com) But Don’t Let the Title Fool You…  I am not in denial of growing older. I accept the fact that yes one day I will be 90 years old God willing. If I’m healthy with my own faculties then living to the age of 90 would be wonderful. Am ...

(ThySistas.com) Fear is such a powerful instrument that can be used to hold us back. Fear is an emotion that can literally grab a hold of a person leaving him or her feeling helpless, venerable and stagnate. Even after convincing ourselves that we can and will be successful at what we ...

(ThySistas.com) Getting pregnant after 35 may be more difficult than at age 25, but it’s not necessarily impossible. What are your chances for getting pregnant after age 35? Why is it more difficult than in your 20s and early 30s, and why do doctors recommend seeking help getting pregnant sooner ...

(ThySistas.com) From cleansers to serums to night creams, the beauty aisle is lined with many complexion-enhancing products. And while each one serves a special purpose, here are four key tips what everybody’s skin needs every day, why those elements are so important, where you’ll find them, and which supposed “necessities” ...

(ThySistas.com) Hand’s up if you’re one of the millions who find themselves with a stubborn layer of fat around their waist? Many people find that they have problem areas where they just cannot get fat to budge. There are a lot of annoying gimmicks about how to get rid of ...

(ThySistas.com) Yes, Black women are familiar with certain facts about cervical cancer –how it is caused and that it is preventable. Yet they are still dying at a disproportionately higher rate.   Although cervical cancer occurs most often in Hispanic women, Black women tend to have lower 5-year survival rates and ...

(ThySistas.com) Sometimes, you just need a pick me up. Whether you had a bad day at work, your kids are acting up or something more serious, having the skills to boost your mood can make the frustrations of life a whole lot more bearable. So tuck this list away in ...