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5 Fall Indoor Activities You Can Do At Home.

June 3, 2021 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the warm colors, drinking hot apple cider and cozying up at home with blankets and my favorite pajamas. I love the weather in the fall also, it’s not too hot and not too cold, it’s perfect for the natural indoor woman that I am. I enjoy spending time at home whether it’s by myself or with my friends and family. I can never get bored, simply being at home, especially in the fall.

Here’s 5 indoor activities that you can enjoy doing, from the comforts of your home:

1. Purchase and carve pumpkins. Pumpkins, corn and squash are very inexpensive and add those beautiful fall colors indoors/outdoors of your home. They give your home a very warm and inviting atmosphere for candlelit dinners or early morning breakfast in bed on the weekends. If you are a creative like me, you can carve out your pumpkins and roast the pumpkin seeds for a healthy snack.

2. Create a cheese board to pair with your favorite wine. I love pairing cheese with my wine. Instead of eating popcorn while watching a movie, create a cheese board that you can enjoy or share with others and it’s kid friendly as well (except the wine of course lol). I call cheese boards for my wine, adult lunchables. You can add jelly, olives, grapes, apple slices, breads, breadsticks or crackers and slices of meat to give you a fulfilling quick meal. Sometimes, I use my cheese boards as a light dinner when I’m not in the mood to cook after a long day at work.

3. Play board games. Another fun indoor activity you can do is make a game night with your partner/spouse, family or friends. Serve appetizers and get your competition on. Team based games are fun to do and it ensures to include everyone present but make sure that the games you choose are age appropriate for kids or make it a couples game night. Game nights are so much fun and it reduces stress from the world, it’s a way to connect with the people you love and it is a fun activity that keeps your brain and muscles active.


4. Go bobbing for apples. This is another fun activity you can do with the kids or with your partner/spouse. All you need is a large bucket or large storage bin, a bag of apples and water. If a mess is made, it’s super easy to clean up because it’s just water. You can place towels or a blanket underneath and around the area to catch those spills as you race to get those apples. Once you have established the winner, you can use those apples to bake an apple pie or make apple chips. Check out your favorite recipe website or YouTube channel for great fall recipes using apples.

5. Create leaf people. Do you have small children? Here’s a fun and easy fall activity that you can do with your kids. Collect some leaves from outside, get construction paper or printing paper, glue, and use buttons or other craft materials to make the eyes or nose. This activity is so fun to do indoors and again, it is very inexpensive to do. Don’t forget to hang up your child’s masterpiece of Leaf People.

Remember, fall is a great season to stay indoors more with the people you love or loving more on yourself. It doesn’t require much to do these activities and it helps you disconnect from work, watching television or social media and actually being present in the moment that you’re in.

What are your favorite fall indoor activities to do at home? Share your fall indoor activities in the comments.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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