Friday, September 13, 2024

How to support a loved one with a cancer diagnosis.

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( Learning that your loved one has been given a cancer diagnosis is devastating for everyone. It’s such a frightening and uncertain time, and you know that nothing will ever be the same again. Your loved one will probably undergo treatment, and continual hospital appointments, consultations and other overwhelming procedures. It’s going to be tough, but studies show that a strong, supportive network can help people manage a crisis and even have a more positive outlook.

Here we’ll take a look at how you can support a loved one with a cancer diagnosis.

Don’t tell them everything will be ok

You want nothing more than to tell them that they’re going to be fine. Simply because you think it will bring them comfort. In reality, you’re only trying to comfort yourself. You may not be fully aware of the severity of their cancer or the stage that they’re at – mesothelioma is always fatal according to this article – so it’s important to not dismiss their concerns or doubts. Saying that everything will be ok, may deter your loved one in confiding in you further as it sounds as if you don’t want to discuss other potential outcomes.


Being able to listen is something that any cancer patient and friend will appreciate. It’s not easy to listen without judging or wanting to disprove their sense of despair and hopelessness. But you must. Listening to their fears, their worries and their needs will not only build a stronger connection but knowing that you’re there for them will help them throughout their treatment.

Do a little research

You’re not expected to give medical advice – in fact, it’s not a good idea. But finding genuine and helpful literature and websites dedicated to cancer information will give you an indication of how they might be feeling, or provide you with what to expect after their first chemo session. Do a little research, and even consider exploring Gifts for Chemo Patients, which can help to show your support and care. By understanding more about their journey, you’ll feel better prepared for the situation.

Help the caregiver

If your loved one is being cared for by another family member, then they’ll have a lot on their plate both emotionally and physically. From helping with medical care to arranging appointments and transportation as well as sleepless nights and constant worry. Offer your help in any way you can, whether it’s travel arrangements, looking after the kids or making plenty of cups of tea.

Be normal

Avoid treading on eggshells. You don’t need to. Keep things as normal as possible! Your loved one will appreciate that. Chat with them about normal things, if they’re able to let them do things for themselves!

Staff Writer; Sherry Ford

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