Sunday, September 15, 2024

From a Dream to a Non-Profit: A Guide to Helping Others.

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( When people wake up from a peaceful and beautiful slumber,  they make decisions that they have postponed for a long time.

“Today, I will ask him out.”

“Today, I will finish my book.”

“Today, I will file my taxes.”

It is amazing to actually accomplish whatever has been on your to-do list for an extended period of time.  For those that wake up and decide that “Today, I’m going to start a non-profit”,  I applaud you for your fortitude and dedication to others. However, I am certain fear exists when it comes to creating and maintaining the organization.  What do you do first?  What do you need to do with the government? How do you get volunteers? When do you have events? How do you regulate social media?  What can possibly go wrong? What if my first idea does not work?

Dishambra McQueen knows those fears all too well.  Instead of complaining, she chose to do something about it.  Her doing something resulted in the book The McQueen Foundation: Beginner’s Guide to Helping the Homeless.

Homelessness is a personal ministry to McQueen since she was homeless herself for a long period of time.  Her book takes you through the steps and process she took in order to create her non-profit.  Since writing this book, the McQueen Foundation still continues to help not just those where she lives, but the foundation also helps those who are homeless in other countries! While the book is centered around homelessness, her writing lends itself to any person who wants to start an organization where they can help others be better.

Here are some chapters and quotes that give sound advice to starting a non-profit:

Business Versus Pleasure”:

“At the end of the day, when people locate you on social media they should be able to see your organization through you.”

This chapter is dedicated to helping organization starters admit a hard truth: You are what you post.  Her advice is simple:  when people see your social media, they should see exactly what your organization will be.

Developing Your Organization”:

“You have to be the leader and the provider for your organization so your volunteers can feel they are putting their time into something meaningful and productive.”

Volunteers are going to be a big part of what you do. They need to see along with knowing that what they are investing in is worth their precious time.

Building Rapport With the Homeless Community”:

“Sympathize with them. Listen to them. Hug them. Show humanity.”

Doing your non-profit for show is not going to get you anywhere. Take the time to cultivate a relationship with those your non-profit is about so they value you and your form of giving.

Wake up and decide that you are going to help others. Yay! Congratulations!   Your cause has the possibility to change the world.  However, do not go through the struggle of starting and maintaining your organization. Dishambra McQueen’s Beginner’s Guide to Helping the Homeless has done the hard work for you. Her book will walk you from beginning to end on how to build an organization and help the organization flourish.  Then, you can dedicate more time to changing the world.

Staff Writer; J. W. Bella

May also follow this talented sister online over at; JWB Writes.

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