Why You Should Outsource Your IT Support.
April 9, 2020 by ThySista
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns
(ThySistas.com) Cybercrime is a growing problem that plagues every business.
Whether you realize it or not, you are under attack from hackers and criminals. They’re after access to your system. They want customer data such as bank details, names, addresses, emails, login credentials, social security numbers, and date of birth.
Once they’ve stolen this information from you, they’ll use it to steal from your customers. They’ll take out credit in their name and cause serious problems that have dramatic impacts on people’s lives. All because they made a chance attack on a business to see if they could break-in.
So, how do you limit the threat to your business?
One way to do this is by outsourcing your IT support. Here’s why you should consider doing this.
Network Monitoring
Do you monitor your own systems round the clock to look for signs of intruders trying to get in?
Admittedly, unless you run a major business, you probably don’t have the resources to do that. But an IT service provider such as USWired will do just that.
By outsourcing your IT services, your systems will be monitored 24/7. During this time, if any insecurities are identified, your managed service provider will spot them and patch them before they become a problem.
IT Audits
Many managed service providers will carry out full IT audits. These will help them to identify areas of your systems that need work. But it doesn’t just stop at your IT systems, it will include the way that your team interacts with your systems.
A full policy and procedure review will help your team into good habits with regard to cybersecurity. This might include regularly changing passwords, not sharing credentials, and using multifactor or biometric login.
Support and Training
Some IT service providers will help out with training and support for your team. Learning to spot phishing emails is helpful in reducing the risk of a data breach, and it is through providing valuable education in areas such as this that outsourced support will make a major impact.
Sector-Specific Support
Different industries need to worry about certain threats more than others. For instance, if you work in the healthcare sector, it is likely that you will carry medical records of some description. This type of sensitive data is a goldmine for cybercriminals and it must be protected at all costs.
There are lots of regulations surrounding data protection. The HIPAA regulations in the US are necessary for all healthcare organizations to adhere to. GDRP regulations in Europe are applicable to all websites. There are regulations that are applicable to all financial businesses, the legal industry, and so many more sectors.
Choose an IT service provider that understands your industry inside and out. There are many managed service providers that will actually specialize in providing IT support that is designed around regulatory compliance. By using their services, they’ll pinpoint the changes needed to avoid your business from getting a fine should you not be compliant.
Staff Writer; Sherry Love