Sunday, September 15, 2024

Working Through Depression.

February 14, 2020 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Depression is something we should take a bit more seriously in our community. Far too often we oversimplify the symptoms and want those battling depression to wish it away. Unfortunately, many people that are high functioning make those that don’t understand depression believe it’s just a matter of needing to get over one’s feelings. Feelings, regardless of how we see them, are a real. When a sistah is feeling down, she doesn’t want to move, and she doesn’t even want to catch a shower we should not simply dismiss this as laziness. When she is disheveled we should show a bit more compassion because she could be fighting to keep one foot in front of the other.

Though there are more discussions being had about depression, and other mental illnesses, we must still find a way to function from day to day. Depression is a monster one must work through on a daily basis so that we can continue to have the basic necessities we need and maintain the relationships that matter to us.

It is important to know that therapy isn’t an enemy. Sometimes you may need an impartial person to talk about some of the things you feel are triggering the depression. Furthermore, sometimes they can offer some practical methods to get through your day consistently. Even if you are still battling you would have a roadmap on how to get through the day. Some people do find this balance in church or the practice of their belief system. Just as we should not belittle those sistahs that decide therapy is what’s necessary…we should not ridicule the sistah that finds her path to functioning in church or within the spiritual practice.

We must remain open in knowing there are many different methods to manage and overcome depression. We just have to find the path that will work best for us, and for some it may be a combination of various methods and there is nothing with that. Once you find what works best for you it will be important to maintain a healthy consistency. Remember what your steps are on days you don’t want to move. Sometimes just getting up initially helps jumpstart moving through the day.

There is no right or wrong way to handle depression, but acknowledging its presence is a start. It’s important to have a strong support system that can help move you through the day when you feel things spiraling. Jobs are not always kind to those dealing with mental illness. It seems co-worker’s kind the triggers and trip them on purpose which makes the work environment combative for the person trying to function with depression. Having that person you can call, or text is always a help. Never let someone make you feel you are lazy, inadequate, or subpar because you are battling with depression. This doesn’t make you weak. Everyone has something they must work through and depression is just you challenge to overcome. You are a work in progress as is every person on this planet.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

May connect with this sister over at Facebook and also Twitter

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