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Tips To Make Money From Blogging.

February 6, 2020 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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( Blogging has certainly transformed itself in recent years, with a lot of people creating online blogs that are making them money and crafting full-time careers for them. Making money from blogging is not always easy, to begin with, and like anything in life, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication before you start making money. Blogging, if not done just as a hobby, should be treated like a business. You need to be reaching out to companies to work with and doing everything you can in your power to improve your chances. So here are some tips to make money from blogging.

Create A Good-Looking Website

It all starts with the website that your blog is on. What does it look like currently, or do you even have one? It’s important that your website is as good as it can be, and that starts with the web design. A good web design is appealing to your readers because it helps make it more aesthetically pleasing, and it’s definitely something that we all look for nowadays. Just by seeing the increase in the number of people who watch video content on a daily basis. People love visual things, so there needs to be a good mix of visual design incorporated within the written content. Try getting a better website template or even ask a web designer to make you one from scratch. It could give you a much-needed boost to how high your website ranks on Google, and that’s good for getting traffic onto your site and hopefully making money eventually.

Post Consistently

Consistency is key, and it’s what your readers will be looking out for when it comes to engaging with a blog. Brands and companies will also be looking at this because they want to see that you’re keen on posting out content and that it’s on a regular basis. This shows that you are trying to gain readership and a loyalty of readers who will read your content every day or at least every time you post something new. Being consistent is an important quality when it comes to your blog, so it’s good to practice this element of blogging. Make sure that what your posting has been well-thought-out and written well because, above all, quality content matters. If it’s not great quality, then it’s going to hinder your chances of making money.

Reach Out To Businesses To Collaborate

As a blogger, it’s good to constantly reach out to brands and businesses in order to collaborate with them on sponsored posts or gifted opportunities. Your blog becomes like a newspaper or magazine, especially when you’re reaching thousands of people on a monthly basis. It’s best if you have a media kit which details your blog’s information and social statistics. You can then include your rates that you’d charge for content, and if you’ve worked with previously can be good to impress new clients. Even when you’ve got clients emailing you first, it’s still always good practice to be reaching out and pitching on a daily basis to get the work.

Try Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is definitely worth taking advantage of when you start generating a higher readership, and you know you’ve got the influence to make readers click on links and potentially purchase items you promote. It basically gives you an amount of money per click or per item bought. Think of it as a lucrative referral scheme or an opportunity to additionally profit from the brand you’re promoting online or through social media. There are plenty of platforms out there, and a lot of companies are offering affiliate marketing, so it’s worth doing your research if you don’t know enough about it already. When you learn affiliate marketing and can do it successfully, it helps diversify your income as a blogger.

Offer Your Services To Link-Building Companies

As a blogger, you want to be able to stretch your ability to make money, not just through your own written content. A lot of bloggers will offer their platforms to link-building companies. Think of these as the middle-man between a client and a blogger. They provide a pre-written blog post that they pay you to host, and the client pays them to organize and write-up. This might be worth doing for your blog and registering it for any relevant clients that a link-building company might have on their books. It’s all dependent on whether the content you usually produce matches that of the client but also that it ranks enough to have some influence on directing traffic to their links. It can be a nice way of earning some money on the side.

Advertise On Your Website

Advertising online has changed the way that we see advertising. Traditional advertising is in physical publications like newspapers and magazines. Not only that but you have television, radio, and film. As much as these still exist, paper publications aren’t as popular now because online advertising is reaching a bigger demographic. Seeing as most of us are online nowadays, offering advertising slots on your website might be very profitable. Look at how influential your site is and then come to a rate you can set for placing adverts on your site for months at a time or on a weekly basis that changes every so often.

Charge For Guest Posts

This is similar to link-building, but you might have fellow bloggers and writers who are wanting to boost their writing portfolio or increase their own traffic through your blog. This might not be a big money-making area, but it can be a consistent one as there’s always bloggers and writers who are looking to expand their portfolio, especially those who are starting off new to it.

Making money from a blog is definitely something worth considering if you enjoy writing and social media. Be prepared to commit to it fully and work on ways to diversify that income you make where you can. It could easily become a full-time career for you!

Staff Writer; Sherry Adams

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