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Prince Harry Was Right to Choose His Family.

January 23, 2020 by  
Filed under Ent., News, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( The media is in a world wind because Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have stepped away from the royal family. They chose their family’s wellness over the royal life per se. The thing is Prince Harry left his family for his wife. It is admirable that he was not willing to see his wife subjected to the things that led to the untimely death of his mother. However, even if those unfortunate events would have never happened, on principle, Prince Harry did what he was supposed to do as a husband.  He asked Meghan Markle to be his wife. He got married in the church…and in that faith a man is supposed to leave his mother and father and “cleave unto his wife”. Some would argue the blood covenant of marriage is blood of the thickest kind…or at least it’s supposed to be. It’s understandable that the family might be hurt, and I won’t sit here and say every move Meghan Markle made was in the best interest of her husband…but as his wife she is the right choice.

One can only wonder how Prince William would have felt if his wife was drug by the British media in the manner his sister-in-law endured. Would he have been okay if he was treated poorly for not being a royal? Would she have liked his wife’s pregnancy to be made harder by the media that found fault in every move she made? Has he forgotten the support of his brother over the years? Well. We’ll never know because Prince William did not endure such hardship. He didn’t have to defend his choice of spouse at every turn.

If the family didn’t want to lose Prince Harry they should have took a stronger stance to help him protect his wife. She married into his family yes. This black woman married into a white royal family that had the power to protect her by standing with her. Instead of this happening there was massive amounts of bickering. Okay what if Meghan Markle had diva ways and wanted the shine she was accustom to. Maybe they didn’t hit it off with Meghan Markel…this is the space that none of us really know, but what we do know is you should stand with family.

People that are married know the meshing of family can take time, and it requires patience, maturity and compromise. It’s almost always a work in progress. These was the grace that was not afforded Prince Harry’s marriage by his family…so he chooses the wellbeing of the family he created. Honestly, I’m not surprised at all. Instead of being shocked he chose his wife…know this is what was supposed to happen. Contrary to popular believe there are men that choose the family they created over family every day.

This was not a choice without consequences, and it’s understandable that there is more than likely some hurt involved. When we choose to start a family that unit has to become a priority. Maybe one day there can be reconciliation in the family, but they will know Prince Harry is serious about the peace of his household. When if the royal family doesn’t like it…this is a move they must respect.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Michele

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