Am I My Hair.

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( Black hair is a serious topic. Should we go natural? Why would one continue relaxed? What’s the obsession with weave? Why would one spend so much on hair maintenance? What’s sophisticated in styling verses ratchet? What is I decide to get rid of my hair; would instill be beautiful? Hair might seem like a simple situation to some, but for black women it’s a source of originality, expression, and rebuke. We all know about Becky with the good hair. Why is her hair considered good while our hair is considered complicated? I remember the song by India Arie “I Am Not My Hair”. I remember thinking the video and idea was liberating, but unlikely. The truth is many of us might be our hair, and that might be okay.

Hair is many things starting with maintenance and upkeep. Let’s be honest there is plenty of ridicule for the sista that lets her head go wild. Regardless of how you choose to wear your hair you’d want to keep it done. This is not only necessary for work, and engaging life outside of ones home…it’s necessary for fostering a positive self-image. Getting ones hair done does something good for the soul. It adds confidence and puts pep in your step. You feel good about being you, and that’s important. If getting your hair done is a part of your self-care, which is different for everyone, so be it. There is nothing wrong with your hair being attached to how you see self. In separating your hair from you it’s as of you are separating a part of your identity.

I truly believe identity is a serious part of the hair battle. Our hair has been seen a bad, ugly, difficult, and different in a negative sense. Who would desire our hair based on how it has been seen? Caucasian hair has been the standard of beauty in hair for centuries, and through enslavement, propaganda, and media for a long time our hair was deemed less than. If one got a relaxer and straightened it you were better accepted by hair standards, but even that was less than. We are seeing sistahs reclaim themselves, their identity, and their hair. Sistas are wearing it natural, experimenting with natural styles that interest them, and they are loving their hair regardless of the standard. This embracing of self strengthens self love, and the bond among sistas.

We are in a space whereby we can say I am my hair and it’s brilliant bin whatever form I choose. Some sisters still rock the relaxer but do so by choice, others are trying different looks natural and weaved in…while some sistas decided to chop all the hair off. They’ve put off the standard that one needs hair and need it at a certain length to be beautiful. They decided to be cool and completely break with hair all together, and they are doing so in style with tons of confidence.

Some sistas are forced to this position as a result of health issues and medication, but they can embrace it boldly and redefine the look. The “I am Not My Hair” position is not wanting to be defined as a woman by one’s hair. I find that today hair is being defined by the woman and it is a part of you being.

Staff Writer; Chelle’ St James

May also connect with this sister via Twitter; ChelleStJames.