Poetry that will “Touch the Heart” with Michelle’ Pierre.

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(ThySistas.com) In a life that is filled with challenges we need to be reminded of our spirituality. We have to be reminded that God is in control, and that we have a part to play in the happiness and peace within our life. Literature is one of the agents that can remind us that we are not helpless in this world. If one believes God is in control literature can remind us to refer all things to him…while holding us accountable regarding our behavior if necessary. Poetry can be all of these things and much more in times of great need, or comfort. Poetry that has a spiritual aspect can be referred to as a reference when we desire a space where we can see various life challenges that we can directly identify with. It is a proof that God’s word, and messengers, still work in real time situations. We need poetry that speaks to family, healing, love, purpose, and accountability. Author, Songstress, and Motivational Speaker Michelle’ Pierre offers upliftment, and a special kind of healing balm in her book “Touch the Heart: Spiritually Inspired Poetry”.

One of the things that stands out about Touch the Heart is the depth of the subject matters, and rich amount of content. This poetry book contains well over 100 poems on various aspects of ones walk with God. There is definitely something for various kinds of readers looking for a word in multiple areas. Michelle’ Pierre shows herself to be a wordsmith using various literary forms but bringing her words together in a very down to earth matter. This is not spiritual poetry that preaches or talks at the reader…instead it purposes to penetrates the heart of the reader speaking to the very cornerstones of one’s faith and focuses heavily on choosing God.

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Through the poetry the reader can discern that the author spent adequate time studying the bible, and biblical principle as some of the poems offer instruction on how to walk in faith, love, and Godly behavior. The accountability of the believer is also a recurring theme. Accountability is looked at in various relationships including the one we have with God.

Michelle’s Pierre’s walk with the Lord, and her relationship to family and friends can be felt in this book. There are pieces that reflect the heart of a mother, wife, friend, and worshiper. As a gifted writer of poetry, short stories, and novels; she uses her pen to inspire people to get closer to God, and to take heed to his word. She also allows the reader, through her poetry, to see aspects of her walk with God, and what she is learning along the way. Touch the Heart is a gem that can be referred to when you need to a pick me up, and a reminder to remember who God is no matter what you face. We look forward to the many upcoming projects Michelle’ Pierre has in the works.

Touch the Heart can be purchased on Amazon, and anywhere books are sold.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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