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5 Things You and Your Teenage Can Do This Summer.

June 19, 2019 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Travel/Leisure, Weekly Columns

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( Are you still trying to figure out ways to bond with your teenager this summer without being that embarrassing mother?  Raising teenagers are sometimes a struggle for mothers because these are the years that most teens are distancing themselves and learning who they are.  These are the years that they gain having a social life with their peers so don’t take it personal when they prefer to hang out their peers and not do cute arts and crafts with you lol.

 Here are five things that you and your teenager can do this summer:

1. Commit to completing a community service project together. I’m sure that your teen will need community service hours for school as a requirement for graduation.  This is a perfect opportunity for you and your teen to bond and do a good deed, together.

2. Go to an amusement park. This may cost you some money but oh the joys you will have as your heart races fast and your teen smiles at you after y’all ride the most intense roller coaster ride in the park.  Or if due to health reasons, you can cheer them on and take the cool photos and videos for their, snapchat friends to see.

3. Take a road trip. Road trips are so fun but allow your teen to be a part of the planning process and allow them to control the radio or auxiliary cord every so often.  This is a perfect time to talk about things with your teen that are not too heavy because remember, you want this to be a fun trip.  But take this time and opportunity to talk to your teen.

4. Do a fun activity, together. You can either chose something indoors like bowling, video arcades or going to the movies or outdoors like playing a game of basketball, going camping or go kart riding.  Most of these activities are basically competitive sports that you and your teen will enjoy.  You can add a friendly reward for the winner from the activity such as the loser cook dinner later that evening.  Whatever you do, make sure that you are being present and enjoying every moment with your teen.

5. Let them decide on what they want to do with you. Simply ask them, “What you like for us to do together?”  Once you have their answer, do exactly that (as long as it’s not going to cause you a night in jail lol).  Don’t get so caught up in the planning process of making sure everything is perfect.  Teens are usually simple and don’t require much or it can get weird and they’ll distance themselves from you.

Your teen may be resistance to do some of these things with you in the beginning but always offer your attention and time to them.  Never just assume that they don’t want you to be a part of their lives.  They are becoming their own individual human being and so give them space when needed to process what’s going on in their lives and whenever you do spend time with them, enjoy every moment of it and be present in those moments.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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