Free Ways to Look After Your Child’s Health.

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( When you have kids, you will probably spend a significant portion of your time worrying about them. This is totally normal and if you are anything like the rest of us, you are probably doing the math too.

We can’t all afford cooks and personal trainers but we can do a lot to help our children live healthy and fulfilled lives. Indeed, through the life savers book, we can also help other less fortunate children access the medicines they need. So what can you do to make sure that your kids are healthy without spending a fortune?

Eat Well

Eating well is all about creating a balanced diet including plenty of fruit and vegetables. But persuading children to eat veggies when they could be eating other sugary or fatty foods can be tough. Hiding vegetables in their meals is a good way to go but the most important thing is that you simply keep presenting them with veg.

Toddlers, in particular, take time to trust different foods. Adding a vegetable side to a dish they are already comfortable eating is a good move and try to resist the temptation to force them to eat. At this age, playing with food and getting messy is all part of learning so instead of pushing them to eat, let them get on with their meal and make it fun. There’s not much a wet wipe can’t deal with!


When you think of exercise, you are probably imagining a run around the park. But this is not the only way to encourage your kids to get enough exercise. Encourage your kids to join a sports team or take up an activity they really enjoy. This could be anything from dance classes right through to football or basketball. Giving them a chance to choose the activity they enjoy most will give them a sense of control and encourage them to keep going with their chosen sport.

But you should also think about how you exercise as a family. Going for walks at the weekend is a great way to spend quality time together and be outside. Though walking in the countryside is idyllic, city-dwellers shouldn’t feel too bad about going for a wander around the shops. All exercise counts!

Talk Openly

Being able to talk openly with your kids is a skill you need to master early on. Creating a space where you can both express your feelings and worries without getting into an argument or closing up again. This takes practice and teenagers are notoriously difficult to talk to but patience is everything.

Talking openly might not sound like an obvious route to good health but it’s invaluable for all kinds of reasons. For one thing, if your kids can talk openly, they are much more likely to tell you when something is wrong either physically or emotionally. This is vital for them to get the help they need as soon as possible whether that means a trip to the doctor or just a big hug.

Staff Writer; Sherry Moore