Growth Can Be Painful, But It’s Necessary.

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(ThySistas.comBrothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.Philippians 3:13-14

In this scripture, the apostle in the text reminds us that growth hasn’t been the easiest thing to do in his life, but he knows that it is necessary to “win the prize” in life.  We’re even told to forget what is behind us.  We will forgive people who hurt us, we always say, “I forgive you, but I’ll never forget what you’ve done to me.”  That’s where the pain lies doormat and hinders are growth in Christ.  You continue to hold onto what someone else has done to you, in your past.  What if Christ held on to your every sin?

Just as a toddler who grows into an adolescent experience some growing pains, so do we as Christians.  If we don’t experience pain at times, we wouldn’t feel the need to commune with God.  It is necessary to constantly grow and develop as we go through life.  By doing so, we “win the prize which God has called us”……….whatever God has called you to be, know that there will be some pain associated it with it as you journey towards your calling.

We suffer pain to get to our purpose in life, that pain is necessary because it’s a part of our growth.  From a biblical perspective, Moses suffered the pain of his people (the people of God) rather than be privileged as the son of pharaoh.  For his suffering, he was accelerated by God to a leadership role amongst his people.  What you suffer in the name of God will be rewarded more than you can ever think or imagine.   But in order to get to that level of growth spiritually, it may cause you some pain mentally and physically.  You may have to mentally forget some things in order to grow.  You may have to physically remove some things out of your life, also in order to grow.

It amazes me every time I hear a story about a person on their death bed, who exudes the amount of growth in those very moments before they take their final breath.  The pain caused by cancer or their terminal illness, they feel was necessary to get them to see things and people in their purest form.  You can see the growth in what they value now than over a period of time (or years) previously.  Because the pain has stripped them of all of the luxuries that were afforded to them and now, they are required to grow better as an individual.  It’s easy to grow when you can afford to remove your problems in life.  But when money is not the solution, that pain you feel is turned up a notch, and you can then measure, true growth.

Not all growth is painful, but that’s usually when we acknowledge it in our lives.  When we hit rock bottom and life forces us to change our ways or destructive habits.  On a lighter note, think about a person who wants to lose weight.  In order to see results, they’re going to go through some pain and intense workouts in order to grow into a healthier lifestyle for themselves.  That person may initially feel pain from their muscles but as time passes and they continue to work out, they’ll see their body transform and reach their weight loss goals. Growth is painful but it is necessary to reach our fullest potentials in life.

Staff Writer; Felicia T. Simpson

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