Growing Your Family: Adoption is a Great Choice and You can do it.

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( The future of the world depends on the children of today, and when a child is given a chance to be loved and supported and allowed the opportunity to thrive through a family life that he or she may not have had otherwise, then the entire world becomes a better place.

Adopting a child who, for whatever reason, would otherwise not have had a strong family structure not only impacts the child and their family and extended family, it also affects that child’s future generations. There are multiple types of adoptions, and all of them are great choices that are possible for you.

Step-Parent Adoptions

One of the most common types of adoptions is that of step-parents. This happens when a child is adopted by a parent’s new spouse. As long as both birth parents consent, this is a simple process. However, if one parent does not consent, then an attorney must intervene to assist and it becomes more involved.

Relative Adoptions

These types of adoptions happen when a child’s relative wants to adopt the child, often because of a death or incapacitation of the birth parent or parents. Many times these relatives will be the grandparents, aunts, uncles, or even older siblings. Because these are family members and the law understands that in most cases it is important for a child to have their family, relatives adoptions tend to be much easier than other types.

Same-Sex Couple Adoptions

Each state varies on their same-sex couple adoption laws. In some states, the process is identical to the law that is set up for straight couples, but in other states it is another procedure must be followed. Nowhere is it completely disallowed, however, but you will most likely need an attorney to guide you through this type of adoption process.

Adopting Internationally

This is considered to be the most complicated type of adoption process, as you must follow your state’s laws as well as the host country’s laws. You will need to work with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to obtain a visa for the child, and all international adoptions are regulated by the U.S. federal government through the Hague Adoption Convention. There are many steps in this process, and many requirements.

Adopting Through an Agency or Independently

Adoption agencies can be public or private, but they must be regulated through the state and have a license stipulating that they can place children with adoptive parents. Public agencies often deal with children who are wards of the state, either because they were orphaned, abandoned, or abused.

Independent adoptions occur when the birth parent and adoptive parent have a direct arrangement to enforce the adoption. Not all states allow this type of adoption, and it is heavily regulated, so it is recommended that you work with an attorney to cover the adoption details before finalizing any paperwork.

Adoption is Worth Every Step You Take

To choose to bring a child into your family so that you can give him or her support and love that they may not have otherwise received is never a wrong decision. The adoption process may be a long and complicated road, but it is a road that is leading you to a destination that is worth every step.

Staff Writer; Paula Carter