Sunday, September 8, 2024

Can’t Work, But Can’t Afford To Take Sick Leave?

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(ThySistas.comFor many people who are ill, taking the choice to not go into work can be a difficult decision to make. Not all companies in America offer paid sick leave and those that do may only pay a small amount of compensation. Some people may choose to try and continue work and fight through their illness. This can have all kinds of negative effects – the condition may deteriorate if the person doesn’t get the rest they need and if the illness is contagious it may spread to other colleagues affecting the entire company.

In most cases, you shouldn’t have to fight through illness to pay the bills – your health is more important than your work. There are lots of ways to fund yourself when ill. Here are just a few ways to pay the bills when you’re too ill to work.

Insure yourself

The most common way that people pay for sickness is by taking out sick leave cover insurance. This could give you access to compensation that could help you to pay for periods of long-term sickness. This type of insurance scheme can sometimes be taken out in combination with health insurance. You should wait until you are in good health to take out this insurance scheme as your rates are likely to be higher if you’re currently battling illness due to being a greater risk (some insurers may even reject you if you’re already ill). Shop around to find the best deals on these schemes.

Make a legal claim

Another way to fund yourself could be through a legal claim if you believe that your illness was directly the fault of someone else. There are various types of legal claim that you can make depending on the cause of the injury. If your injury was the result of a failed medical procedure you could consider hiring a medical malpractice attorney as found at this website. If the sickness was the result of an employer failing to put appropriate health and safety measures into the workplace, you could similarly hire an employer negligence attorney. There are also general personal injury lawyers who can help with all kinds of accidents from road traffic injuries to falls on unsignposted wet floors.

Get charity aid

There are a number of charities across the country that could help to fund you if you’re ill and not making a livable income. This could be in the form of a grant that could help to pay for living costs and even help contribute to treatment. Other charities may be able to help with shopping or may be able to provide free meals whilst you recover. Not everyone is eligible for charity aid, but its still always worth looking into.

Look into government benefits

There are also government and state benefits available in some cases for those that are too ill to work. These could provide you with a steady income whilst you are off work. You may even be eligible for disability benefits if you’re earning under a certain amount and predicted to be on sick leave for more than a year. Information on government benefits is available to read at sites such as this one.

Take money from your pension

Taking out your pension early should be done with caution as it could financially affect you later in life. However, it could be a viable option for those that are suffering long-term debilitating sickness and need some extra income. You don’t have to permanently retire then and there – it’s possible to take out a small allowance simply whilst you recover.

Take odd jobs online

There may also be ways to make money online that don’t involve too much physical exertion. You may be able to make money by lending skills for money such as writing, web design, photo editing or animation. Alternatively, there are ways of making money that don’t require any skills such as completing online surveys and testing websites – these latter jobs may not earn you enough to live on alone, but could still serve as a small supplement to your income whilst ill. Such computer-based jobs may not be appropriate if your illness is making you light headed or causing your head to ache.

Sell your stuff

Many of us have hoards of possessions in our home that could be sold for cash. Such items could include books, CDs, old hobbyist equipment, clothes or old kids’ toys. It could now be the perfect time to sift through these belongings whilst you are ill and off work. You can sell these items on local online selling sites and get buyers to collect these items to save you having to leave the house if you’re finding it difficult to get around due to poor health. Alternatively, you could get a friend or family member to help sort through your possessions and possibly help sell items if you feel you are too ill. Remember that even damaged items can sometimes be sold for parts.

Contact your creditors

It’s worth getting in contacts with bill providers and lenders who you may owe money to. In circumstances where you are suffering debilitating illness preventing you from working, many creditors may be sympathetic and be able to hold off payments for a month or two or come up with a more affordable payment plan. Ask to speak to the company’s hardship officers to see if such an arrangement can be negotiated.

Staff Writer; Marsha Freeman

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