Friday, July 26, 2024

Could You Handle One Of These Hobbies?

December 5, 2017 by  
Filed under Opinion, Travel/Leisure, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comAlthough life can get busy, it’s always a good to have a hobby. When we’re busy working away, trying to look after a family, and stay fit and healthy, it can be super hard to stay motivated to keep up a hobby too. But, you should always try to make time for leisure activities. Because having a healthy social life, and a pastime that you enjoy, can be just as important as being good at your job! But what if you don’t seem to have many interests right now? If reading or watching TV just isn’t your idea of fun, you may want to try something that’s a little more adventurous. Sound good?Then how about attempting to handle one of these exciting hobbies?


Are you a bit of a water baby? Or have you always wanted to be? If you love to swim and generally be by the sea, you should definitely think about giving diving a go. As the first big adventure hobby on the list, it’s big, it’s different, and it will certainly open your eyes in life. Diving could be something that you try out once, and allow to take you around the world. After trying to it out, you may then be ready for some deep sea diving anywhere from Egypt to Australia.


If you love the idea of doing something incredible, but you’re not too taken with the water, maybe you’d be more comfortable up in the air? And before you dismiss it, it’s definitely something you can take and make your own. Just look at these Women Celebrities Who Fly Planes and see for yourself. You don’t have to be a commercial pilot or a man! You can simply be you – wife, mom, woman – and give flying a try.

Figure Skating

From the air to the ice rink, you don’t have to be in a plane to fly around and feel weightless. Because figure skating can do that for you. It’s something that we often tend to think of children doing, but if you’ve always wanted to get into figure skating and you have an ice rink nearby, it’s never too late to start. With a few lessons, you’ll be able to spend your evenings running rings around the little ones in no time at all.


Maybe you do love the water, but you just don’t like the idea of being too far under it? If your sense of adventure is still inspired by water sports, you might like the idea of giving surfing a go? When you live by the coast, it’s something that you should definitely make the most of. To learn how to ride the waves, and feel alive out there on the water is such a unique experience; one that your inner adventurer may come alive with.


We’ve covered water, air, and ice, but now we’re throwing in a snow sport for you too. Because if you do live in any areas of the country that have incredible snow-capped mountains (or even some of the take stuff), this may have forever been on your mind. But don’t just go for skiing, because giving snowboarding a a go could be just what your leisure life needs.

Staff Writer; Shelia Jacobs

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