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Credit Cards & Christmas: A Match Made In Heaven.

November 29, 2017 by  
Filed under Money, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comI find there are two types of people; those that love getting in the Christmas spirit early, and those that like to hold off for as long as possible. If you’re in the second category, then the mere mention of Christmas will have you clamping your hands to your ears and running around screaming to drown out the sound.

Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to avoid the festive chatter at this point in the year. Especially as you should now be shopping for Christmas presents, to try and avoid the big rush a week or two before. Speaking of which; how are you going to pay for all your presents this year? Lots of money gets spent all the time, and it can be very difficult to buy everything all at once.

Which brings me to the main focal point today; credit cards and Christmas. The suggestion is that you use a credit card to help you manage the financial burden, and pay for your presents. Now, there are some of you that might not be convinced as you’ve had your fair share of credit card trouble in the past, or know someone that’s had debt issues because of one. Don’t be put off, there are many benefits of using your credit card this Christmas.

Earn Cashback On Purchases

A little-known benefit of some credit cards is that they offer rewards with almost every purchase. Some cards like to give you points that you can rack up and spend at the end of the year – which is also a very good reason to use a credit card all year round in preparation for these expensive months. But, if you get your hands on a cash back credit card, you can earn money back when you buy things. It may only be a small amount, but if you factor in how much you’ll spend throughout November and December, it could earn you a fair bit back to start next year in a better financial position.

Buy Now Pay Later

The other main benefit of using a credit card at Christmas is this idea of buying now and paying later. With a credit card, you don’t see money leave your actual bank account until the bill comes in for that month. So, you can buy your presents, food, whatever, and not touch your bank account until January. Do I think you should use your credit card for every single purchase this holiday season? No, but I do think you should be smart with what you buy. For any of those really expensive gifts, buy them using your credit card, and pay later. It makes the Christmas load a lot more bearable.

There may only be two points here, but you can see how amazingly beneficial a credit card is during the Christmas season. I’ll even throw in a bonus benefit here; purchases are protected when bought with a credit card. So, if you buy a gift, and it’s faulty, you can get your money back as it’s protected. If you have a credit card collecting dust, now might be the time to start using it again.

Staff Writer; Shelia Hall

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