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Spending Christmas Away From Home.

November 15, 2017 by  
Filed under Opinion, Travel/Leisure, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comIf you’ve always spent Christmas at home with your family and friends, the prospect of being away during the festive season might be a little bit scary and intimidating- however it can also be a really fun and exciting experience. The key is to relax, enjoy living in the moment and experience everything Christmas has to offer in other countries.

Expect The Unexpected

You may have an image in your mind of what Christmas is to you, but this will change when you are in another country during the festive period. The traditions will be different in other parts of the world, but the key is to enjoy these differences and experience new ways to celebrate. It may be that you are staying in a holiday home such as, you are away on business, or maybe you and the family decided to travel to a far-off land for the festive season. Whatever the reason for not being at home, try to think on the positive side.

Keep In Touch

If you don’t make the effort to stay in touch with the ones you love this holiday season, then you will truly feel alone on Christmas. Make sure you make the time often to call your family or Facetime them to say hi and ask how they are. You will still be able to spend time with your loved ones even if you aren’t in the same country. You could even open your presents on Christmas morning while on a skype call to your loved ones. It will be fun and you will be able to see everyone’s reactions when they open your gifts. Just because you are away doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the fun!

Experience New Things

If you are in a totally different location during the festive period, take the time to look up what kind of Christmas activities and events they have on and go and experience something new. If you’ve never been to a Christmas market, you’ll love the atmosphere of sipping on mulled wine and walking around as people sell crafts, foods and gifts. And you’ll be amongst tonnes of festive lights too.

Or maybe the place you visit is in summer right now. In Australia, they are entering summer so that Christmas celebrations will be totally different than what you are used to. But that’s the fun of travel- to experience new things and broaden your mind to new possibilities.

Take Time To Look After Yourself

Just because you are alone doesn’t mean everything has to be doom and gloom; in fact, you can still make the most of the countdown to Christmas in your own unique way. Go out and pick fairy lights to spruce up where you are staying, decorate a mini tree, and make some festive treats at the weekend. Try your hand at cooking a full Christmas dinner yourself for the first time. You might mess up but it doesn’t matter, it’s all a new experience and it’s fun!

Staff Writer; Shelia Love

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