Four Nutrients You Need As You Get Older.

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(ThySistas.comIt’s a sad day when you realise that you no longer have the metabolism of a twenty year old, and you can’t eat a whole pizza in one sitting like you used to. Whether you want to admit it or not, you’re getting “old” and you need to make some lifestyle adjustments if you want to stay in perfect health. If you adopt some of these dietary changes now, there’s a good chance you could delay some of the worst effects of ageing. Here are a few nutrients you need to include in your diet as you get older to ensure you stay healthy.


Hormonal changes may decrease calcium absorption as it increases loss of calcium through the kidneys. In addition, you may become lactose intolerant, which causes most people to give up the dairy products which were once their main source of calcium. Bone deterioration might be a natural part of ageing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t delay it slightly. Most people start taking calcium supplements, some of which are made from limestone or marble. However, AlgaeCal Plant Calcium Clinical Evidence suggests that plant based calcium supplements are more effective at filling in the calcium deficiency gaps, and they don’t have side effects like cramps, bloating, nausea and blocked arteries, but still help strengthen bones and can help to treat osteoporosis. In addition to the supplements, you should also increase your intake of fortified cereals and fruit juices, dark green leafy vegetables and canned fish with soft bones. Calcium should also be consumed along with Vitamin D, which helps deposit the calcium into bones.


Most foods only contain small amounts of iron, so it’s difficult for older people to get their recommended intake, particularly women over 50 who need to consume 50 mg of iron a day (men over 50 only need 10 mg). The best source of iron is red meat, but you can also get iron from poultry, fish, whole grain or enriched breads and cereals, dry beans, and some fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C helps you absorb more iron from foods, so be sure you include foods with vitamin C in the same meal as foods with iron.


Not only will a diet including fiber-rich foods help you keep your bowel movements regular, but it can also help lower your risk for heart disease, control your weight and prevent Type 2 diabetes. Eat whole-grain breads and cereals, and more beans and peas — along with fruits and vegetables which also provide fiber.


Older people are more at risk of high blood pressure, so you doctor may recommend you reduce your intake of sodium. However, you stand a better chance of lowering your blood pressure if you increase potassium along with reducing your salt intake. Fruits (especially bananas), vegetables and low-fat or fat-free milk and yogurt are good sources of potassium.

Caution: In high doses, some supplements can be toxic. Always consult your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.

Staff Writer; Emma Adams