Friday, July 26, 2024

A Few Fun Facts About Crowdsourcing.

April 26, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Education, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( Crowdsourcing isn’t exactly new, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot to learn about it. Here are a few fun facts about crowdsourcing that you might find very interesting!

Crowdsourcing Was Around In The 1930s

When we said crowdsourcing wasn’t a new thing, we meant it. It has been around since the 1930s! It all started when Toyota crowdsourced its first logo and brand name. The contest had over 27,000 entries.

Australia Is The Leader When It Comes To Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is big news in Australia, and the companies are virtually taking over the world. Australia is home to two of the biggest companies specializing in crowdsourcing in the world; Freelancer and DesignCrowd.

Both Big And Small Businesses Love Crowdsourcing

Businesses of all sizes love crowdsourcing. Think of a few of the biggest brands you can think of. Chances are, they use crowdsourcing. 9 of the 10 biggest brands use it to help them expand their business! They love it as it helps them to get valuable information for less money. Small business love this too though – 80% of startups are known to use crowdsourcing!

A Crowd Is Often Smarter Than The Experts

Did you know that a crowd is often smarter than the experts? In a study done on the show ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ the expert was right about a topic 65% of the time, while the audience was right 91% of the time!

Interested to know a few shocking crowdsourcing disasters? You can take a look at the infographic below!

credit to University of Southern California Online

Staff Writer; Sherry Short

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