Vibrant Requires Maintenance.

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( It is very easy for us, as women, to realize we need to take better care of ourselves. However, getting that done is another matter entirely. Some of us feel that we can be young at heart forever, and I thoroughly believe in that concept. Yet, if we want to remain vibrant we must be willing to do a little more than merely keep ourselves together. Being healthy is important. So yes, we should workout more, eat healthy, get regular checkups and try to incorporate a decent amount of sleep each night. Granted we are so focused on having to do those things our personal maintenance to stay vibrant is often missing.

Many of us have mastered being presentable. We know hair must be get done, nails every two weeks if we can and more of us are incorporating fun makeup routines that make us smile. These things are valuable and help us feel our best. Feeling our best truly is one of the keys to a vibrant spirit. One that is young at heart, happy and colorful. The reason we go to great lengths to look and feel our best does matter.

Are we in competition with the next woman, vying for the attention of a man or do we do keep our selves together for self. This matters because when we go to lengths to feel great because it makes us happy we reap all the benefit. It is easier to maintain a jovial spirit and that pep in our step when it is connected to our own happiness. I addition to looking ones best take the time to incorporate activities that make you feel vibrant inside and that bring out your smile.

Take the time to catch the exhibits at a museum, see a play or enjoy a quiet afternoon at a coffee shop with a book you love. Enjoy the company of people that have like interests and that motivate you to positive interaction. Sometimes when these things are hard to find…it’s time to get out and meet some new people. Sometimes incorporating people of different cultures can add flavor to our world. Having a vibrant spirit is about getting out in the world and actually living. So many of us are existing daily, and every now and again we might allow ourselves to have a taste of life. Being vibrant is more than looking great and working hard. It is about building experiences and memories that give you a reason to smile and stories to pass on to your children.

Think about the things you wish you could be doing with your life and plan to experience them. There is a maintenance that is require to keep ourselves up physically, and many of us are embracing those things. However, to life a vibrant life that spirit requires a different kind of maintenance that will also add substance to your life. If you want to embody the idea that you only live once…what could be a better way of doing so than to get out into the world and live.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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