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Let’s Convert Some Customers With Your Office.

February 14, 2017 by  
Filed under Business, Opinion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

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(ThySistas.comWhen you’re trying to convert customers to your company your office can be your greatest tool and a powerful weapon. With the right office, you can immediately give customers a feel of what your business can offer them. Does it look stylish, is it well kitted out and just how many employees are on display? The answers to all of these questions will help customers decide whether they want to be a new client. Or, even if they want to form a long-term relationship with your company. Here are a few things you need to watch out for when you’re trying to create the right first impression with your business hub.

Cool Tech!

Learn from the best tech companies on the market when you’re kitting your office out. When you enter a store or office owned by Apple, it’s nothing short of a tech dream. The latest computers are everywhere with plenty fancy gadgets. You might find that each employee has their own tablet to work with and this makes businesses very efficient. But, that won’t be the only effect. It will also make a company look, modern and even dare we say a tad innovative? So, what type of tech should you be thinking about. Well, you can start by making sure your secretary isn’t typing on a computer from 1997. This immediately sends the wrong impression.

Totally Secure

If you’re running a business, you might be looking after important documents and files for your clients. These could contain sensitive or even valuable information. As such, you need to make sure that everything is in place to keep your office locked down tight, particularly when it’s not in use. If you think new clients won’t be looking at security features, boy are you wrong. It’s one of the first things they’ll check for, and they might even ask you directly about the type of security you use. If you don’t have the right answers to these questions, expect them to walk out the door and never look back.

No Mess On Desk Or Floor

If your business looks like a mess, that’s what clients are going to assume you’re company is. So, even little things like dust on the floor and papers across the desk can result in a disastrous first impression. When you’re working to improve your office, try to think about what would turn you off if you were looking for a new business partner. Odds are these are exactly the same things that will cause you to lose a potential client. Luckily, there are plenty of expert office cleaning services online that will make your office look absolutely fantastic.

Don’t Forget Your Employees

Finally, you do need to think about the people behind those desks because they are part of the image of your office. You need to make sure that they look presentable and create the right impression. Don’t have anyone working for you that can’t keep great standards of personal appearance. It will eventually reflect in your profit and revenue numbers.

Staff Writer; Sherry Shaw

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