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What Steps Should You Take If A Friend Becomes Addicted.

February 23, 2016 by  
Filed under Health & Wellness, Opinion, Weekly Columns

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( There is nothing worse than seeing a friend deteriorate due to addiction. Like it or not, dependency is a medical issue, and they are going to need help. For whatever reason, society treats addicts like criminals, and that’s wrong. Also, many people believe that addictions only affect those who take illegal drugs. That simply isn’t true when you look at the facts. Many people struggle with alcohol and other legal substances they can buy from their local store. Today, we’re going to offer some advice and highlight how you can help. Taking the steps mentioned on this page should contribute towards providing a solution for your friend.

Talk to your friend about their addiction

Before you do anything else, you need to speak to your friend about their issue. Make sure they understand it has become a problem, and you’re willing to help. Let them know you are sympathetic and you want them to get better. With a bit of luck, they will discuss the situation that led to their addiction. It could even help to boost their mood. Sometimes opening up and talking about the matter can help them to gain a fresh perspective. You can highlight the fact that their circumstances aren’t that bad. You could even draw their attention towards possible ways of sorting things out. Addiction comes hand in hand with mental health conditions like depression. So, it’s wise to black-drunk-man-2016discuss the broader picture.

Get them out of the house

Many people who suffer addictions tend to stay at home most of the time. That is often because they don’t want their friends and family to worry. However, cutting themselves off from the outside world will only increase their loneliness. It will encourage them to take more of the substance just to keep themselves entertained. Ask your friend if they would like to go for a walk to get some fresh air. Bring them to the local park and sit on the benches enjoying the great outdoors. People tend to feel better when they are around other people too. So, maybe you could stop by a local cafe and get something to eat?

Ask them to see the doctor

Professional help is essential when struggling with an addiction issue. That is why your friend must go to see their doctor as soon as possible. Offer to go along for the appointment if they are concerned about the reception they will receive. At the end of the day, medical experts undergo a lot of training, and they deal with addicts every day. So, they won’t try to make your friend feel bad about their situation – quite the opposite. They should highlight all the different therapies on offer in the local area, and any other treatments. Encourage your friend to take full advantage of the assistance and get involved.

Discuss the problem with their family

You need to build a certain level of trust with your friend. However, you must never forget that addicts don’t think straight. That is why you must try to involve their family in the recovery process. That is the case, even if your friend is against the idea. When all’s said and done, they are in a vulnerable state. So, they don’t know what’s best for them right now. Once their family becomes involved, some of the pressure should lift from your shoulders. Even so, you shouldn’t leave your friend to fend for themselves. Make sure you still call them every day and go to see them a couple of times each week. They need your support more than ever when they’re trying to beat the addiction.

Research rehab centers

You only have to search Google to find an alcohol abuse recovery center in your local area. Indeed, the doctor might give you the details during the appointment. Encourage your friend to learn more about the service and make an application. Sometimes removing them from the real world is the best way to recover quickly. All rehab units are staffed by experts with many years experience. So, you can rest assured that your friend will get the best possible treatments and assistance. Just make sure you read some online reviews before they make their final selection. Some centers are no doubt better than others, and your pal deserves the best.

Now you know what steps to take when a friend becomes addicted, you should make all the right moves. Just remember that treating such an issue is not an exact science. So, it’s likely your friend will relapse at some point in the future. You just need to make sure you’re there to put them back on the wagon if things go wrong. Never treat addicted people like criminals because they are suffering from a mental illness and it could happen to anyone.

Staff Writer; Sherry Poole

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