(ThySistas.com) I am woman, hear me roar! Many women have come to embrace their femininity, most do so by wearing high heels shoes, makeup, playing dress up and other ‘visible’ things that state their womanliness. But just what is femininity? Femininity is defined as a set of attributes, behaviors and roles generally associated with girls and women.
In layman terms it means that everything we associate with womanhood and femininity is man-made. We have been “taught” how to be women. This is evident by the success of Steve Harvey’s number 1 seller, “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” which has sold 2 million plus copies thus far. Let’s not forget T.D Jakes “Woman Art Thou Loosed” conferences which continues to sell out in numerous cities throughout the United States year after year.
Women flock in droves to purchase books and attend conferences
where men are willing to teach them how to be a “woman“. You see you are not a woman in this society until a man has approved of your attributes, behaviors and roles. Once a woman is approved of and hence married, she can then consider herself successful in the eyes of her social circle. She immediately becomes the “wisdom” of the group who other women can go to for relationship advice, parenting tips and any other insight that may be needed in regards to “womanhood“.

If you visit any pre-k classroom during ‘centers’, you will notice two centers particularly setup based on gender. One will have a stove, play food that requires cooking, a sink, broom and dustpan, iron and ironing boared,, baby dolls, princess type dresses and a pair of high heels shoes. This center certainly attracts all the girls. The other center will be full of colorful blocks, fast race cars, big trucks and something related to firemen or policemen.
It is during the formative years that girls learn their role is to “keep” men via cooking, cleaning, child rearing and maintaining her beauty. Boys learn to be the hero, to be strong and the importance of possessing material things in order to be ‘kept’ by women. Even in the home we see these gender roles being taught. Most mother’s will give their daughters daily chores which may include washing dishes, sweeping, cleaning the bathroom and helping with her younger siblings. Brother, on the other hand, like father, has less immediate chores such as taking out the trash, yard work and moving heavy things.
The process of feminization happens via fashion as well. I ask ladies, do you really think a woman is behind the creation of these gorgeous, uncomfortable, uterus and lower back damaging high heels shoes we wear? What about these dresses which only fit perfectly after dieting and strenuous exercise for weeks? Absolutely not! Our fashion cravings too are man-made.
Feminization is a lifelong process for women although we create the illusion of being “independent“. In the midst of independence you will still find these women getting their nails done regularly, wearing tightly fitted clothing, rocking the latest hairstyles and indulging in all other norms of society which will catch the eyes of men. The only difference is that an “independent” woman doesn’t require a man to compensate or care for her financially in order to be “kept” by her.
While we discuss equal pay for women, let us not forget to bring these dysfunctional attributes, behaviors and roles which have been unfairly assigned to and taught to women to the table as well.
Staff Writer; Dina Tuff
Connect with Mystic Philosopher & Inner Fitness Coach Dina Tuff @
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