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I Refuse to Vote for Hillary Clinton.

August 28, 2015 by  
Filed under News, Opinion, Politics, Weekly Columns

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( I’m Black, so I’m supposed to vote Democrat. I’m a woman, who believes in choice, so I’m  supposed to vote Democrat. I am registered NPA, with left leaning political proclivities, so I’m supposed to vote Democrat. I’m a millennial, so I’m supposed to vote Democrat. And while I may still vote for a Democrat being all of these political characteristics that I am, the one person I will not be voting for is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

To be clear I think Hillary Clinton has the political connections to be President. She surely has inside knowledge of the White House and how it runs after serving 8 years as First Lady and 4 years as Secretary of State. She has maintained diplomatic relationships with the leaders of countries around the world at times where the United States’ relationship with some of these countries has been hostile. On paper Hillary Clinton is the perfect candidate. And if you take her near miss at the Presidency back in 2008 when then Senator Barack Obama stole her moment, capitalized on her shine, and rode his own blackwomen-hillary-clinton-2016-president-electionwave of hope and change into the White House then you may believe as Mrs. Clinton seems to that 2016 is her year. 2016 is her moment. She is entitled. And that entitlement is my exact problem with Hillary Clinton.

The audacity of Hillary Clinton to think that she should automatically be handed the Democratic nomination because she put 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling that there is in this country. The audacity of Hillary Clinton to run with ownership that she is not only the front runner for the Democratic nomination for President, but the undisputed best candidate in the race on either side of the aisle. The audacity of Hillary Clinton to enjoy so comfortable a lead in the polls that she openly mocks all of her challengers be they Democrats or Republicans.

Furthermore, I haven’t forgotten Hillary Clinton’s past transgressions. While I won’t hold her accountable for her failed attempt to reform the United States’ health care system in 1994, I will not forget her voting record for the Iraq war in 2003 when she served as a U.S. Senator from the great state of New York. I will not forget the way she behaved in the 2008 primaries when she went from presumed front runner to consistently trailing then Senator Barack Obama in the polls and primary races. I will not forget her disparaging comments about race and entitlement. I will not forget her reaction to the Benghazi terrorist attack in 2012, and I will not forget her flippant reaction to revelations about her private email server she used to send federal government correspondence now in 2015.

I’m for a woman being President but not just any woman. I want the right woman to be President. A woman who not only inspires, and can affect change, but one who is not mired in such a political machine that they place politics before policy and good deals before the good of American people. The United States, and Black people specifically, waited a long time for the right Black Presidential Candidate. Jesse Jackson ran for President but he was not necessarily the right candidate. Colin Powell could have run for President but he may not have been necessarily the right candidate if he would have staged a bid for the White House in the 90s. Al Sharpton even staged a bid for the White House alongside former U.S. Senator Carol Mosley Braun. Neither of them had the national appeal, or political backing needed to be successful in their efforts to race for the White House. However, by the end of Senator Barack Obama’s speech to the Democratic National Convention in 2004, it was evident he was THE ONE.

Following that speech he ran a successful campaign for the U.S. Senate, strategically kept a low profile while on Capitol Hill, and then ran a successful campaign for the Presidency. If it wasn’t clear after his DNC speech in 2004 that now President Barack Obama was the right African-American candidate for President, it was especially clear after he gave his now infamous speech on race relations during the 2008 campaign after he was attacked about his relationship with Chicago Pastor Jeremiah Wright.

After now President Obama’s “A More Perfect Union” speech where he talked about the racist attitudes held by his white grandmother who he loved no less for her perceptions it was clear he was THE ONE.

That moment of being THE ONE has yet to occur to me for Hillary Clinton. She is a woman candidate for President. That’s great. But so too is Carly Fiorina. Former U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann was a candidate for President in 2012. None of these women are THE ONE. For Hillary Clinton to say that she is THE ONE without any humility toward the American people disturbs me to no end. Mrs. Clinton you are not guaranteed my vote simply by your existence. You must earn it, and so far you have not.

Staff Writer; Nikesha Elise Williams



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