(ThySistas.com) It’s something about the New Year entering and the summer season approaching that drives the average woman to start looking for quick weight loss tricks and pills. At times it’s as if women care more about their appearance than they do about their health, I mean why else would you take diet pills that deceive your mind into thinking you’re not hungry when you body is actually in starvation mode. Why else would women take pills that are new to the market or barely tested in order to attract the attention of others? These are just a few reasons each year the same women who reach their desired weight or get close to it by summer end up carrying double the weight by the end of Fall.
A lack of self-discipline and appreciation for one’s body is the quickest way to set yourself up for failure in the future. It’s time to end the cycle of deception! Living off protein shakes, being the neighborhood cardio queen and cheating with diet pills is not the way to sustain long-term health. What’s the point of getting to your ideal weight or body image if you can only maintain it a few months? You get what you work for! Always remember that.
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