(ThySistas.com) Yes being a self-proclaimed blogger and someone who strives at staying positive, though I sometimes fall I have a question. Why are people so negative online?  Is this the new fad? Does being negative make a person more popular? Are they seeking attention at any cost? Are they miserable ...

(ThySistas.com) Is there such a thing as a Bible for the Black Woman? Well possibly and it might be called 101 Ways Black Women Can Learn to Love Themselves. I came across this book with my sister circle group through the Niastlgroup.  We are in the midst of reading and ...

(ThySistas.com) Today there are a hosts of cooking shows on television. Years ago there were only men chefs on our TV screens. There were seldom any women and defiantly not many African-Americans.  Today there are a more faces that look like us across television networks. One of the freshest faces ...