(ThySistas.com) We are often told anger is a natural emotion, and it’s okay to let it wash over you when appropriate. Unfortunately, as a black woman anger is an emotion that tends to brand is as illogical, irrational and unreasonable no matter how warranted the anger may be. Yes it’s a ...
(ThySistas.com) We all fear it in one way or another, and it doesn’t matter how “old” or “young” we are, the inevitabilities that comes with aging can cause us enough stress. And whether you’re looking after someone you love and as a result, it’s making you think about your mortality on ...
(ThySistas.com) When you’re working to a tight budget, a workout can be difficult. You might not be able to justify the cost of a monthly gym membership and even if you are working out from home, investing in a treadmill can be difficult. Sure, you don’t need many accessories to go ...
(ThySistas.com) We all have our demons and we all need a little help with them. There are some people who struggle a lot more with their demons than we do. Mental health issues might make them feel like they’re someone they’re not. Addictions can be a constant pressure on them. It ...
(ThySistas.com) Life is funny because when you look at it more closely, you realize it’s turning in one massive loop. When we’re born, we are nurtured and cared for by our parents. As we get older, we find more and more independence, finding our own way as we approach the college ...
(ThySistas.com) Love is painful in so many ways, but when you love someone that is doing damage to themselves through addiction, it can be the worst kind of pain. And people may tell you to get out of there because it will have its impact on you and your mental health, ...
(ThySistas.com) Of all of the things that can happen to a person’s health, there are few more frightening the idea of hearing the C-word: cancer. Cancer is one of those things that people hear, and their mind almost always goes straight to the worst possible scenario. But that scenario doesn’t really ...
(ThySistas.com) Have you been feeling slightly out of sorts recently? There are various reasons why you might not be feeling your usual joyful self, such as illness or external stress. But regardless of the reason, you shouldn’t feel down for too long. It’s important that you bounce back and get on ...
(ThySistas.com) No one is perfect. The tapestry of our life is filled with mistakes, and choices we wish we can change. There are a lot of sisters walking around with smiles on their faces, and hearts that are as heavy as bricks. So many have experienced pain, hardship, and trauma. It ...
(ThySistas.com) No one should have to leave their home in order to seek peace and serenity. We should be running to our homes to seek refuge from the world, Our homes should be a place of healing in which we prepare nourishing meals for ourselves and our family, cleanse over bodies, ...
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